Code of Alabama
Division 1 - General Provisions.
Section 2-15-64 - Equipment and Facilities Required for Markets; Promulgation of Rules and Regulations by Commissioner as to Operation of Markets Generally.

(a) Every livestock market operating under this division shall have adequate and proper facilities for handling livestock, which shall include proper pens for holding and segregating animals properly protected from the weather; an adequate sanitary water supply; satisfactory scales, such scales to be approved by the division of weights and measures, Department of Agriculture and Industries or its successor in duties; concrete-floored pens for holding cattle to be tested, treated or sprayed; and adequately constructed and designated quarantine pens for segregating and testing livestock that might be affected with or exposed to a contagious or infectious disease. Necessary chutes for handling cattle must be provided. If feeder or breeder swine are handled, concrete or other impervious floored pens must be provided that will keep this kind of swine completely separated from slaughter swine at all times.
(b) Livestock markets shall also be required to have certain necessary and essential equipment and to comply with such other minimum standards of construction as may be required by rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner, with the approval of the board, to carry out the evident intent and purposes of this section.
(c) The commissioner, with the approval of the board, is also authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of livestock markets as may be reasonably necessary for the prevention, spread, eradication and control of contagious and infectious diseases among livestock which are received, kept, handled, sold, moved and delivered from livestock markets. Such regulations may require methods of receiving, keeping, handling, inspecting, testing, treating, dipping, vaccinating, inoculating, separating, segregating and quarantining livestock sold for stocker, feeder or breeding purposes as well as methods of receiving, handling, keeping, selling and moving livestock for slaughter purposes as well as rules and regulations governing the operation of scales on which livestock are weighed and testing for accuracy of such scales for the purpose of weights of livestock sold on the basis of weight.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 15 - Livestock.

Article 4 - Regulation of Livestock Markets Generally.

Division 1 - General Provisions.

Section 2-15-60 - Definitions.

Section 2-15-61 - Permits Required for Operation of Livestock Markets; Applications; Issuance; Revocation; Appeals.

Section 2-15-62 - Livestock Market Permit Fees; Use and Disclosure of Information Pertaining to Amount or Volume of Business.

Section 2-15-63 - Bonds of Livestock Market Operators.

Section 2-15-64 - Equipment and Facilities Required for Markets; Promulgation of Rules and Regulations by Commissioner as to Operation of Markets Generally.

Section 2-15-65 - Issuance and Disposition of Bills of Sale by Markets; Information to Be Shown on Bills of Sale.

Section 2-15-66 - Livestock Market Operators Selling Livestock at Auction Not to Permit Purchase of Livestock, etc., by Owners, Officers, Employees, etc., of Market.

Section 2-15-67 - Commissioner to Require Markets to Carry Insurance on Livestock Accepted for Sale.

Section 2-15-68 - Rules and Regulations for Implementation of Division.

Section 2-15-69 - Right of Entry and Inspection by Commissioner, State Veterinarian, etc.; Interference With Performance of Duties by Commissioner, State Veterinarian, Etc.

Section 2-15-70 - Operation of Livestock Market Without Permit, etc.; Disposition of Fines; Injunctive Proceedings to Restrain Operation of Livestock Market in Violation of Provisions of Division.

Section 2-15-71 - Purchase, etc., of Livestock on Public Road, etc., Within 2,500 Feet of Public Livestock Market.