Code of Alabama
Division 1 - General Provisions.
Section 2-15-60 - Definitions.

When used in this division, the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) BOARD. The Board of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama.
(2) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama.
(3) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama.
(4) LIVESTOCK. Cattle, swine, sheep, goats, equine or equidae, ratites, and poultry.
(5) LIVESTOCK MARKET. A place, concentration or collection point, or other public or private place where a person shall assemble livestock for either public or private sale by him and such service or the cost or expense thereof is to be compensated for by the owner, on a commission basis or otherwise, or where such person purchases livestock for resale. The term shall not include:
a. Any place other than at a permanently established livestock market, used solely for the dispersal sale of the livestock of a farmer, dairyman, livestock breeder or feeder who is discontinuing said business and no other livestock is there sold or offered for sale.
b. Any farm, ranch, or place where livestock either raised or kept thereon for the grazing season or for fattening is sold and no other livestock is brought there for sale or offered for sale.
c. The premises of any butcher, packer, or processor who receives animals exclusively for immediate slaughter.
d. The premises of any person engaged in the raising of livestock for breeding purposes only who limits his sale to animals of his own production.
e. Any place where a breeder or an association of breeders of livestock of any class assemble and offer for sale and sell under his or their own management any livestock when such breeder or association of breeders shall assume all responsibility of such sale and the title of livestock sold.
f. Any place, other than at a permanently established livestock market, used solely for livestock sales of 4-H clubs, Future Farmers of America and other youth organizations of like kind.
(6) PERSON. Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity or organization.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 15 - Livestock.

Article 4 - Regulation of Livestock Markets Generally.

Division 1 - General Provisions.

Section 2-15-60 - Definitions.

Section 2-15-61 - Permits Required for Operation of Livestock Markets; Applications; Issuance; Revocation; Appeals.

Section 2-15-62 - Livestock Market Permit Fees; Use and Disclosure of Information Pertaining to Amount or Volume of Business.

Section 2-15-63 - Bonds of Livestock Market Operators.

Section 2-15-64 - Equipment and Facilities Required for Markets; Promulgation of Rules and Regulations by Commissioner as to Operation of Markets Generally.

Section 2-15-65 - Issuance and Disposition of Bills of Sale by Markets; Information to Be Shown on Bills of Sale.

Section 2-15-66 - Livestock Market Operators Selling Livestock at Auction Not to Permit Purchase of Livestock, etc., by Owners, Officers, Employees, etc., of Market.

Section 2-15-67 - Commissioner to Require Markets to Carry Insurance on Livestock Accepted for Sale.

Section 2-15-68 - Rules and Regulations for Implementation of Division.

Section 2-15-69 - Right of Entry and Inspection by Commissioner, State Veterinarian, etc.; Interference With Performance of Duties by Commissioner, State Veterinarian, Etc.

Section 2-15-70 - Operation of Livestock Market Without Permit, etc.; Disposition of Fines; Injunctive Proceedings to Restrain Operation of Livestock Market in Violation of Provisions of Division.

Section 2-15-71 - Purchase, etc., of Livestock on Public Road, etc., Within 2,500 Feet of Public Livestock Market.