Code of Alabama
Article 7 - Control of Contagious and Infectious Diseases Generally.
Section 2-15-174 - Penalty for Violations of Article or Rules or Regulations of Department, Commissioner, Etc.

Any person violating any section or provision of this article or any rule or regulation promulgated by the department, its board or the commissioner shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished accordingly.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 15 - Livestock.

Article 7 - Control of Contagious and Infectious Diseases Generally.

Section 2-15-150 - Definitions.

Section 2-15-151 - When Suppression or Eradication of Infectious, Contagious or Communicable Disease to Be Commenced Within County, etc.; Appropriation of Funds for Same by County Commission.

Section 2-15-152 - When Commissioner to Invite Cooperation of Federal Government in Arrest or Eradication of Disease Within State.

Section 2-15-153 - Quarantining of Lots, Towns, Cities, etc., Where Livestock Infected With Contagious, Infectious or Communicable Diseases, etc.; Issuance and Service Upon Owners, etc., of Livestock and Agents, etc., of Railroads, Trucks, etc., of N...

Section 2-15-154 - Transportation of Livestock Within or From Quarantined Districts.

Section 2-15-155 - Livestock Brought Into State to Be Accompanied by Certificate of Health; Preparation and Contents Thereof; Mailing of Certificate to State Veterinarian Upon Arrival of Livestock in State; Furnishing of Blank Health Certificates by...

Section 2-15-156 - Cleaning, Disinfecting, etc., of Quarantined Livestock or Places by Owners, etc., Upon Receipt of Notice From State Veterinarian, Etc.

Section 2-15-157 - Cleaning and Disinfecting of Vehicles Used in Transporting Animals.

Section 2-15-158 - Right of Entry of State Veterinarian, Livestock Inspectors, etc.; Interference With Execution of Duties, etc., by State Veterinarian, Livestock Inspectors, Etc.

Section 2-15-159 - Permitting Livestock to Run at Large in Quarantined District.

Section 2-15-160 - Commissioner Authorized to Destroy Animals or Materials Affected by or Exposed to Disease and Indemnify Owners Thereof.

Section 2-15-161 - Diseased Animals to Be Appraised Prior to Slaughter.

Section 2-15-162 - Reappraisal of Animals.

Section 2-15-163 - Appraisal of Exposed Animals Whose Flesh Can Be Saved for Food; Payment of Salvage Value, etc., to Owner Thereof.

Section 2-15-164 - Basis for Appraisal of Animals.

Section 2-15-165 - Appraisal of Materials to Be Destroyed.

Section 2-15-166 - Reporting of Appraisals - Animals.

Section 2-15-167 - Reporting of Appraisals - Materials.

Section 2-15-168 - Destruction of Condemned Animals and Materials and Disposition Thereof.

Section 2-15-169 - Sales of Exposed Animals.

Section 2-15-170 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations for Control and Eradication of Infectious, Contagious, or Communicable Livestock Diseases by Commissioner.

Section 2-15-171 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations as to Transportation, Disposition, etc., of Quarantined Livestock by State Board of Agriculture and Industries; Admissibility in Evidence Thereof; Furnishing of Copies to Probate Judges, Etc.

Section 2-15-172 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations as to Manufacture, Sale, etc., of Veterinary or Biological Products and Serums and Disposal of Dead Carcasses, Etc.

Section 2-15-173 - Payment of Expenses of Suppression or Eradication of Livestock Diseases and Administration of Article.

Section 2-15-174 - Penalty for Violations of Article or Rules or Regulations of Department, Commissioner, Etc.