Code of Alabama
Article 7 - Control of Contagious and Infectious Diseases Generally.
Section 2-15-161 - Diseased Animals to Be Appraised Prior to Slaughter.

Before authorizing the slaughter of diseased animals, they shall be appraised by a duly commissioned representative of the State Veterinarian or a cooperating representative of the United States Secretary of Agriculture duly commissioned by said State Veterinarian.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 15 - Livestock.

Article 7 - Control of Contagious and Infectious Diseases Generally.

Section 2-15-150 - Definitions.

Section 2-15-151 - When Suppression or Eradication of Infectious, Contagious or Communicable Disease to Be Commenced Within County, etc.; Appropriation of Funds for Same by County Commission.

Section 2-15-152 - When Commissioner to Invite Cooperation of Federal Government in Arrest or Eradication of Disease Within State.

Section 2-15-153 - Quarantining of Lots, Towns, Cities, etc., Where Livestock Infected With Contagious, Infectious or Communicable Diseases, etc.; Issuance and Service Upon Owners, etc., of Livestock and Agents, etc., of Railroads, Trucks, etc., of N...

Section 2-15-154 - Transportation of Livestock Within or From Quarantined Districts.

Section 2-15-155 - Livestock Brought Into State to Be Accompanied by Certificate of Health; Preparation and Contents Thereof; Mailing of Certificate to State Veterinarian Upon Arrival of Livestock in State; Furnishing of Blank Health Certificates by...

Section 2-15-156 - Cleaning, Disinfecting, etc., of Quarantined Livestock or Places by Owners, etc., Upon Receipt of Notice From State Veterinarian, Etc.

Section 2-15-157 - Cleaning and Disinfecting of Vehicles Used in Transporting Animals.

Section 2-15-158 - Right of Entry of State Veterinarian, Livestock Inspectors, etc.; Interference With Execution of Duties, etc., by State Veterinarian, Livestock Inspectors, Etc.

Section 2-15-159 - Permitting Livestock to Run at Large in Quarantined District.

Section 2-15-160 - Commissioner Authorized to Destroy Animals or Materials Affected by or Exposed to Disease and Indemnify Owners Thereof.

Section 2-15-161 - Diseased Animals to Be Appraised Prior to Slaughter.

Section 2-15-162 - Reappraisal of Animals.

Section 2-15-163 - Appraisal of Exposed Animals Whose Flesh Can Be Saved for Food; Payment of Salvage Value, etc., to Owner Thereof.

Section 2-15-164 - Basis for Appraisal of Animals.

Section 2-15-165 - Appraisal of Materials to Be Destroyed.

Section 2-15-166 - Reporting of Appraisals - Animals.

Section 2-15-167 - Reporting of Appraisals - Materials.

Section 2-15-168 - Destruction of Condemned Animals and Materials and Disposition Thereof.

Section 2-15-169 - Sales of Exposed Animals.

Section 2-15-170 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations for Control and Eradication of Infectious, Contagious, or Communicable Livestock Diseases by Commissioner.

Section 2-15-171 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations as to Transportation, Disposition, etc., of Quarantined Livestock by State Board of Agriculture and Industries; Admissibility in Evidence Thereof; Furnishing of Copies to Probate Judges, Etc.

Section 2-15-172 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations as to Manufacture, Sale, etc., of Veterinary or Biological Products and Serums and Disposal of Dead Carcasses, Etc.

Section 2-15-173 - Payment of Expenses of Suppression or Eradication of Livestock Diseases and Administration of Article.

Section 2-15-174 - Penalty for Violations of Article or Rules or Regulations of Department, Commissioner, Etc.