Code of Alabama
Chapter 14 - Honeybees and Apiaries.
Section 2-14-10 - Quarantining of Apiary or Colony of Honeybees Infected With Contagious or Infectious Disease, etc.; Moving of Quarantined Bees, Supplies or Equipment.

Any apiary or colony of honeybees found infected with American Foulbrood or any other contagious or infectious disease or otherwise found to be kept or moved or transported in violation of the requirements of this chapter or rules or regulations adopted under this chapter shall be placed under quarantine by the commissioner, the State Apiarist or their agents or employees, which quarantine shall become effective upon written notice thereof being furnished to the beekeeper or person having possession or control of such bees. Bees, beekeeping supplies or equipment quarantined under the provisions of this section shall not be moved or allowed to be moved except by written permission of the commissioner or the State Apiarist.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 14 - Honeybees and Apiaries.

Section 2-14-1 - Definitions.

Section 2-14-2 - Purpose of Chapter.

Section 2-14-3 - Registration of Colonies, Bee Yards, and Apiaries; Disposition of Fees and Fines.

Section 2-14-4 - Movement or Shipment of Honeybees Into State.

Section 2-14-5 - Shipment, Movement, etc., Into State of Used Beekeeping Equipment or Supplies.

Section 2-14-6 - Shipment, Movement, etc., of Used Beekeeping Equipment or Appliances Without Permit From Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries.

Section 2-14-7 - Owners, etc., to Mark Used Hive-Bodies and Supers; Marks, etc., to Be Approved by State Apiarist.

Section 2-14-8 - Preparation and Maintenance of County Maps of Apiary Locations.

Section 2-14-9 - Eradication or Control of Contagious and Infectious Diseases of Honeybees; Inspection; Fees; Transfer of Honeybees to Hives With Movable Frames.

Section 2-14-10 - Quarantining of Apiary or Colony of Honeybees Infected With Contagious or Infectious Disease, etc.; Moving of Quarantined Bees, Supplies or Equipment.

Section 2-14-11 - Destruction of Diseased Bees, Supplies or Equipment.

Section 2-14-12 - Failure of Owner to Treat or Destroy Bees, Equipment, etc., Upon Notification by Commissioner; Hearing for Review of Order of Commissioner to Treat or Destroy Diseased Bees, etc.; Enforcement of Order.

Section 2-14-13 - Rules and Regulations.

Section 2-14-14 - Designation of State Apiarist; Powers Thereof.

Section 2-14-15 - Penalties for Violations of Provisions of Chapter, Rules or Regulations, Etc.