Code of Alabama
Chapter 14 - Honeybees and Apiaries.
Section 2-14-1 - Definitions.

When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) COLONY OF BEES. A queen bee and worker bees on comb enclosed in any container.
(2) APIARY. A location or site on which one or more colonies of bees is located.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 14 - Honeybees and Apiaries.

Section 2-14-1 - Definitions.

Section 2-14-2 - Purpose of Chapter.

Section 2-14-3 - Registration of Colonies, Bee Yards, and Apiaries; Disposition of Fees and Fines.

Section 2-14-4 - Movement or Shipment of Honeybees Into State.

Section 2-14-5 - Shipment, Movement, etc., Into State of Used Beekeeping Equipment or Supplies.

Section 2-14-6 - Shipment, Movement, etc., of Used Beekeeping Equipment or Appliances Without Permit From Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries.

Section 2-14-7 - Owners, etc., to Mark Used Hive-Bodies and Supers; Marks, etc., to Be Approved by State Apiarist.

Section 2-14-8 - Preparation and Maintenance of County Maps of Apiary Locations.

Section 2-14-9 - Eradication or Control of Contagious and Infectious Diseases of Honeybees; Inspection; Fees; Transfer of Honeybees to Hives With Movable Frames.

Section 2-14-10 - Quarantining of Apiary or Colony of Honeybees Infected With Contagious or Infectious Disease, etc.; Moving of Quarantined Bees, Supplies or Equipment.

Section 2-14-11 - Destruction of Diseased Bees, Supplies or Equipment.

Section 2-14-12 - Failure of Owner to Treat or Destroy Bees, Equipment, etc., Upon Notification by Commissioner; Hearing for Review of Order of Commissioner to Treat or Destroy Diseased Bees, etc.; Enforcement of Order.

Section 2-14-13 - Rules and Regulations.

Section 2-14-14 - Designation of State Apiarist; Powers Thereof.

Section 2-14-15 - Penalties for Violations of Provisions of Chapter, Rules or Regulations, Etc.