No person shall willfully by any means whatever, directly or indirectly, conditionally or unconditionally, obstruct, impede or prevent or attempt or endeavor to obstruct, impede or prevent any person summoned, subpoenaed or called to testify before any grand jury of this state or who may be summoned, subpoenaed or called before any such grand jury from attending or appearing before the same. Nor shall any person, by any means whatever, directly or indirectly, conditionally or unconditionally induce or coerce or attempt or endeavor to induce or coerce any such person to give any false testimony or withhold any true testimony within or before such grand juries.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 8 - Empaneling, Proceedings, etc., of Grand Juries.
Division 2 - Secret Grand Jury Proceedings.
Section 12-16-214 - Legislative Findings; Desirability of Secrecy.
Section 12-16-217 - No Person to Prevent Testimony or to Induce to Withhold or Give False Testimony.
Section 12-16-218 - Damage to Participant's Property or Person Prohibited.
Section 12-16-219 - Oath of Secrecy; Effect of Refusal.
Section 12-16-221 - Disclosures in Aid of Law Enforcement Investigations and in Public Interest.
Section 12-16-222 - Right to Counsel Unaffected; Counsel Prohibited Within Jury.
Section 12-16-224 - Written Reports; Form.