In this title, required information is conspicuous if the information is placed in a manner or displayed using a font that provides or is intended to provide notice to a reasonable person affected by the information. Required information in a document is conspicuous if the font used for the information is capitalized, boldfaced, italicized, or underlined or larger or of a different color than the remainder of the document.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 10A - Alabama Business and Nonprofit Entities Code.
Chapter 1 - General Provisions.
Article 1 - Definitions and Other General Provisions.
Division A - Definitions, Applicability, and Purpose.
Section 10A-1-1.01 - Short Title.
Section 10A-1-1.02 - Applicability of Chapter.
Section 10A-1-1.03 - Definitions.
Section 10A-1-1.04 - Disinterested Person.
Section 10A-1-1.05 - Conspicuous Information.
Section 10A-1-1.06 - Synonymous Terms.
Section 10A-1-1.07 - Signing of Document or Other Writing.
Section 10A-1-1.08 - Short Titles.
Section 10A-1-1.09 - Reference in Law to Statute Revised by Title.