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Section 10A-1-1.01 - Short Title. - This title shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 10A-1-1.02 - Applicability of Chapter. - (a) All provisions of this chapter shall apply to all...
Section 10A-1-1.03 - Definitions. - (a) If a term, including a term that is defined...
Section 10A-1-1.04 - Disinterested Person. - (a) For purposes of this title, a person is disinterested...
Section 10A-1-1.05 - Conspicuous Information. - In this title, required information is conspicuous if the information...
Section 10A-1-1.06 - Synonymous Terms. - To the extent not inconsistent with the Constitution of Alabama...
Section 10A-1-1.07 - Signing of Document or Other Writing. - For purposes of this title, a writing has been signed...
Section 10A-1-1.08 - Short Titles. - (a) The provisions of this title as described by this...
Section 10A-1-1.09 - Reference in Law to Statute Revised by Title. - A reference in a law to a statute or a...
Section 10A-1-1.10 - Reservation of Power. - The Alabama Legislature has power to amend or repeal all...