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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Section 900. - 900. The authority conferred upon boards of supervisors by this...
Section 901. - 901. All county highways, once established, shall continue to be...
Section 902. - 902. Except as otherwise provided by law, any toll trail,...
Section 903. - 903. After one year from the making of an order...
Section 904. - 904. No route of travel used by one or more...
Section 906. - 906. The width of all county highways, other than bridges,...
Section 906.5. - 906.5. On construction under a contract advertised for bids after...
Section 906.6. - 906.6. Notwithstanding Section 906, a county may maintain a highway...
Section 907. - 907. Any owner or occupant of land may construct a...
Section 908. - 908. The road commissioner, or the person to whom the...
Section 909. - 909. No agreement entered into by the board of supervisors...
CHAPTER 2 - Powers and Duties of Boards of Supervisors
Section 940. - 940. Boards of supervisors shall have general supervision, management, and...
Section 941. - 941. (a) Boards of supervisors shall, by proper order, cause...
Section 941.1. - 941.1. The board of supervisors may lay out, acquire, construct,...
Section 941.2. - 941.2. Boards of supervisors may close any street or highway...
Section 941.3. - 941.3. Before taking any action authorized by Section 941.2 affecting...
Section 941.4. - 941.4. (a) The board of supervisors, with the consent of...
Section 941.6. - 941.6. If the boundary line between two adjacent counties lies...
Section 942. - 942. Such boards may enact and enforce ordinances and regulations...
Section 942.5. - 942.5. The board of supervisors may restrict the use of,...
Section 942.6. - 942.6. The board of supervisors may delegate the powers contained...
Section 943. - 943. Such board may: (a) Acquire any property necessary for...
Section 944. - 944. No bonded indebtedness shall be incurred for any purpose...
Section 945. - 945. Such boards may expend from the county general fund...
Section 946. - 946. No liability shall be created against the county in...
Section 947. - 947. Every instrument or judgment which constitutes evidence of title...
Section 948. - 948. The board of supervisors of each county shall cause...
Section 949. - 949. The board of supervisors may plant shade and ornamental...
Section 950. - 950. For the purpose of sprinkling county highways with oil...
Section 951. - 951. (a) Such board may set apart on any county...
Section 952. - 952. Such board shall cause properly inscribed guideposts to be...
Section 953. - 953. A board of supervisors may, acting separately or in...
Section 954. - 954. All county highways which for a period of five...
Section 954.5. - 954.5. (a) The board of supervisors may, by resolution, terminate...
Section 954.6. - 954.6. (a) A board of supervisors, by resolution, may terminate...
Section 960. - 960. Whenever the board of supervisors determines that any real...
Section 960.5. - 960.5. The term “county highway” as used in Sections 954...
Section 960.6. - 960.6. The board of supervisors may, by ordinance or resolution,...
Section 964. - 964. Whenever the board finds that any county highway has...
Section 965. - 965. The board of supervisors shall, by order, direct the...
Section 966. - 966. (a) The board of supervisors may provide for the...
Section 967. - 967. Whenever a right of way for a highway is...
Section 968. - 968. The board may cause the expense of constructing such...
Section 969. - 969. Whenever a road is of general utility and of...
Section 969.5. - 969.5. Such boards may, after they have determined by a...
Section 969.6. - 969.6. Notwithstanding Section 969.5 or any other provision of this...
Section 970.5. - 970.5. Whenever the board of supervisors or a county officer...
Section 971. - 971. Any county highway which has not been officially named...
Section 972. - 972. A board of supervisors may, by ordinance, permit the...
Section 973. - 973. The board of the county seeking the use, if...
Section 974. - 974. The expense of any work done or acquisition made...
Section 975. - 975. The board of any county to which the use...
Section 976. - 976. The board of supervisors of any county may purchase...
Section 977. - 977. The board of supervisors of any county desiring to...
Section 978. - 978. Whenever the United States government grants real property to...
Section 979. - 979. The board of supervisors shall keep in repair all...
Section 982. - 982. Except as provided in this section, the board of...
Section 985. - 985. The board of supervisors may construct, install and maintain...
Section 989. - 989. (a) (1) Upon the incorporation of a city or...
Section 990. - 990. Where practical or desirable, the board of supervisors shall,...
Section 991. - 991. Before any bridge on a county highway is constructed...
CHAPTER 3 - Road Districts
Section 1020. - 1020. The boards of supervisors may divide their respective counties...
Section 1026. - 1026. Whenever the board of supervisors finds that any road...
Section 1027. - 1027. When the alteration of an old or the opening...
Section 1028. - 1028. The board of supervisors may call, at such times...
Section 1029. - 1029. The consolidation of road districts as provided in Section...
CHAPTER 3.5 - Private Byroads
Section 1050. - 1050. For the purposes of this chapter, “private byroads” are...
Section 1051. - 1051. The petitioner shall be a landowner in the road...
Section 1052. - 1052. The petitioner shall accompany the petition with a bond,...
Section 1053. - 1053. The board of supervisors may, by resolution, order the...
Section 1054. - 1054. The person for whose benefit the private byroad is...
CHAPTER 4 - Methods of Performing Highway Work
ARTICLE 1 - By Boards of Supervisors
Section 1070. - 1070. Whenever a board of supervisors, by a four-fifths vote...
ARTICLE 3 - By Permanent Road Divisions
Section 1160. - 1160. As used in this article: (a) “Division” means permanent...
Section 1160.5. - 1160.5. This article shall be known and may be cited...
Section 1161. - 1161. Any portion of a county, not already contained in...
Section 1162. - 1162. A petition for the formation of a division may...
Section 1162.5. - 1162.5. (a) In lieu of submission of a petition pursuant...
Section 1162.6. - 1162.6. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the...
Section 1163. - 1163. Such petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating...
Section 1164. - 1164. Such petition shall be published in the manner authorized...
Section 1165. - 1165. Such petition shall be presented either at a regular...
Section 1166. - 1166. Following the hearing or election, as the case may...
Section 1167. - 1167. The boundaries established by the board shall be the...
Section 1168. - 1168. If the board finds that the boundaries thus established...
Section 1168.5. - 1168.5. Any landowner whose property is located within the division...
Section 1168.7. - 1168.7. The board may hold a hearing to determine if...
Section 1168.8. - 1168.8. (a) Property may be annexed to or detached from...
Section 1168.9. - 1168.9. (a) The board may order two or more divisions...
Section 1169. - 1169. At, or at any time after, the time of...
Section 1170. - 1170. Such petition for construction or improvement shall state if...
Section 1171. - 1171. Upon receiving such petition the board shall cause to...
Section 1172. - 1172. When it has adopted plans and specifications for such...
Section 1173. - 1173. When a special tax is petitioned for, the board...
Section 1174. - 1174. The board shall call such election by posting notices...
Section 1175. - 1175. Such notice of election shall contain: (a) The time...
Section 1176. - 1176. For the purposes of this election, the board shall...
Section 1177. - 1177. The officers of the election shall certify the result...
Section 1178. - 1178. If two-thirds of the votes cast are for the...
Section 1178.5. - 1178.5. When the levy of a special tax has been...
Section 1179. - 1179. The tax so levied shall be collected in the...
Section 1179.5. - 1179.5. In lieu of, or in addition to, any special...
Section 1179.6. - 1179.6. (a) In addition to any other authority granted under...
Section 1180. - 1180. If the petition proposing the work asks for the...
Section 1181. - 1181. The notice of election shall contain: (a) The time...
Section 1182. - 1182. The election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable...
Section 1183. - 1183. The officers of the election shall certify the result...
Section 1184. - 1184. The board may then issue the bonds of the...
Section 1185. - 1185. The board, by an order entered upon its minutes,...
Section 1186. - 1186. The interest on the bonds shall be payable annually....
Section 1187. - 1187. If, at the election on the question of whether...
Section 1188. - 1188. The board shall cause the highway work provided for...
Section 1189. - 1189. Before opening the bids for doing any work provided...
Section 1190. - 1190. The board shall make no payment on account of...
Section 1191. - 1191. In lieu of the appointment of inspectors as provided...
Section 1192. - 1192. From time to time as the work progresses, the...
Section 1193. - 1193. Any money in the fund of the division, after...
Section 1194. - 1194. On payment of all debts of the division or...
Section 1194.5. - 1194.5. A permanent road division formed for the purpose of...
Section 1195. - 1195. The board shall cause the notices, which are required...
Section 1196. - 1196. The board shall cause all publications, required by this...
Section 1197. - 1197. The expenses of organizing a division, conducting any necessary...
CHAPTER 5 - County Bridges and Subways
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 1300. - 1300. No tolls shall ever be charged for crossing any...
Section 1301. - 1301. The provisions of this chapter and of the California...
Section 1302. - 1302. Nothing in this chapter shall limit or affect the...
Section 1320. - 1320. A board of supervisors may construct, operate, manage, or...
ARTICLE 2 - Construction, Maintenance, and Repair
Section 1321. - 1321. All county bridges, not otherwise specially provided for, are...
Section 1331. - 1331. Whenever any county has appointed a road commissioner for...
ARTICLE 3 - Joint Bridges
Section 1390. - 1390. Any bridge crossing the line between a city and...
Section 1391. - 1391. Any bridge referred to in section 1390 may be...
Section 1392. - 1392. If the proportion to be paid by any such...
Section 1393. - 1393. The proceeds of any bonds authorized by the voters...
Section 1394. - 1394. (a) Any county may join with any city located...
Section 1395. - 1395. Any bridge which crosses the line between counties, unless...
Section 1396. - 1396. The boards of supervisors in their respective counties may...
Section 1397. - 1397. If a navigable body of water is the boundary...
Section 1398. - 1398. The board of supervisors of any county may declare...
Section 1399. - 1399. The boards of supervisors of two adjoining counties may...
Section 1400. - 1400. The agreement authorized by section 1399 may provide for...
Section 1401. - 1401. Any work done pursuant to such an agreement is...
Section 1402. - 1402. The board of supervisors of any county now controlling...
Section 1403. - 1403. The board of supervisors reconstructing, replacing or relocating such...
Section 1404. - 1404. The expense of such reconstruction, or of the building...
ARTICLE 4 - Subways
Section 1430. - 1430. For the purposes of this article, “subway” includes tube...
Section 1431. - 1431. Whenever in the interests of commerce, for the benefit...
Section 1432. - 1432. The order calling such an election shall be valid...
Section 1433. - 1433. The board of supervisors of any county may, for...
Section 1434. - 1434. Whenever any such subway is proposed to be constructed...
Section 1435. - 1435. Such a subway shall not be constructed under any...
Section 1436. - 1436. Whenever any such proposed subway will reach within the...
CHAPTER 5.5 - The Care and Protection of County Highways
Section 1450. - 1450. As used in this chapter: (a) The term “highway”...
ARTICLE 2 - Permit Provisions
Section 1460. - 1460. The road commissioner may issue written permits, as provided...
Section 1461. - 1461. Any act done under the authority of a written...
Section 1462. - 1462. Any permit issued under the provisions of this chapter...
Section 1463. - 1463. Any permit issued to a public agency or a...
Section 1464. - 1464. The road commissioner may, but is not required to,...
Section 1465. - 1465. (a) Permittees may excavate openings in county highways to...
Section 1466. - 1466. The road commissioner may delegate to any city any...
Section 1467. - 1467. The road commissioner may require the applicant to file...
Section 1468. - 1468. Except as otherwise provided in this section, such a...
Section 1469. - 1469. Any city, municipal utility district, municipal water district, public...
Section 1470. - 1470. This chapter shall not supersede the provisions of Chapter...
CHAPTER 6 - Obstructions and Injuries to County Highways
Section 1480. - 1480. As used in this chapter: (a) The term “highway”...
Section 1480.5. - 1480.5. The road commissioner may immediately remove, or by notice...
Section 1481. - 1481. The road commissioner may, by notice, require the removal...
Section 1482. - 1482. The notice referred to in Sections 1480.5 and 1481...
Section 1483. - 1483. If the encroachment is not removed, or its removal...
Section 1484. - 1484. If the encroachment is denied, and the owner or...
Section 1485. - 1485. If the encroachment is not denied, but is not...
Section 1486. - 1486. Gates shall not be allowed on any county highway...
Section 1487. - 1487. A person who, by means of ditches or dams,...
Section 1488. - 1488. (a) A person who, in storing or distributing water...
Section 1488.5. - 1488.5. The notice referred to in Sections 1487 and 1488...
Section 1489. - 1489. Unless a bridge is constructed in accordance with Section...
Section 1490. - 1490. The board of supervisors of any county may construct...
Section 1491. - 1491. Any person who wilfully injures any county bridge is...
Section 1492. - 1492. Any person who wilfully removes or injures any mile-board,...
Section 1492.5. - 1492.5. Survey monuments shall be preserved, referenced, or replaced pursuant...
Section 1493. - 1493. Any person may notify the occupant or owner of...
Section 1494. - 1494. Any person who cuts down a tree which falls...
Section 1495. - 1495. Any person who maliciously digs up, cuts down, injures...
Section 1496. - 1496. The road commissioner shall recover all penalties or forfeitures...
CHAPTER 6.5 - Limited Maintenance Highway
Section 1500. - 1500. The board of supervisors may adopt standards for limited...
CHAPTER 7 - Highway Taxes
Section 1550. - 1550. (a) A board of supervisors may form special road...
Section 1550.1. - 1550.1. The board of supervisors may form special road maintenance...
Section 1550.2. - 1550.2. The board of supervisors may levy a special tax...
Section 1550.3. - 1550.3. All work done in special road maintenance districts shall...
Section 1552. - 1552. Except as otherwise provided in this code, all revenues...
CHAPTER 8 - Highway Funds
Section 1580. - 1580. The boards of supervisors, in their respective counties, shall...
ARTICLE 3 - Other Highway Funds
Section 1622. - 1622. All amounts paid to each county, out of money...
Section 1623. - 1623. The board of supervisors of any county may expend...
Section 1623.5. - 1623.5. None of the amounts paid to the counties shall...
Section 1624. - 1624. The board of supervisors of any county may, as...
Section 1625. - 1625. Where such authorization is given, the board of supervisors...
Section 1626. - 1626. Power hereby is granted to the board of supervisors...
Section 1627. - 1627. The board of supervisors of any county, by resolution...
Section 1628. - 1628. The board of supervisors of any county which has...
Section 1629. - 1629. The board of supervisors of any county which has...
Section 1630. - 1630. The board of supervisors may use any appropriate method...
ARTICLE 4 - Apportionment of Road District Funds
Section 1650. - 1650. For the purposes of this article, the unencumbered funds...
Section 1651. - 1651. Whenever any territory is included in any city, either...
Section 1652. - 1652. The assessor shall then ascertain from his records the...
Section 1653. - 1653. The auditor shall then calculate the proportion that the...
Section 1654. - 1654. Such city shall repay to the county its proportion...
CHAPTER 9 - Cooperation by Counties
ARTICLE 1 - Cooperation with United States Government
Section 1670. - 1670. The board of supervisors of any county may enter...
Section 1671. - 1671. The agreements shall be entered into pursuant to the...
Section 1672. - 1672. Upon request of the proper officer of the United...
ARTICLE 2 - Cooperation with Cities
Section 1680. - 1680. The board of supervisors of any county may, by...
Section 1681. - 1681. Such resolution shall specify the proposed new or existing...
Section 1682. - 1682. Thereafter and in accordance with such resolution the county...
Section 1683. - 1683. The expense of such aid may be paid from...
Section 1684. - 1684. The city shall use all aid which it receives...
Section 1685. - 1685. Boards of supervisors may enter into contracts or agreements...
Section 1686. - 1686. The Legislature hereby finds that the improvement and maintenance...
ARTICLE 3 - Extension of County Highways Through Cities
Section 1700. - 1700. The board of supervisors of any county may, by...
Section 1701. - 1701. A copy of such resolution shall be forwarded to...
Section 1702. - 1702. Thereafter the board of supervisors of the county may...
Section 1703. - 1703. Nothing contained in this article shall limit in any...
Section 1704. - 1704. At any time after all or a portion of...
Section 1705. - 1705. Whenever county bonds are voted or a special tax...
Section 1706. - 1706. Whenever a city permits a county to use the...
ARTICLE 4 - Cooperation Between Cities and Counties
Section 1710. - 1710. A city and a county may agree that the...
Section 1711. - 1711. A county and a city may agree that the...
Section 1712. - 1712. (a) A county and a city or cities may...
ARTICLE 5 - County Highways Within Cities
Section 1720. - 1720. This article provides an alternative procedure for the establishment...
Section 1721. - 1721. The board of supervisors by resolution may determine that...
Section 1722. - 1722. The governing body of the city, by resolution, may...
Section 1723. - 1723. Upon the adoption of the resolution of consent by...
Section 1724. - 1724. Thereafter, the board of supervisors of the county may...
Section 1725. - 1725. Whenever a county highway has been established within a...
Section 1726. - 1726. The county and city may agree that the city...
Section 1727. - 1727. The city may by agreement co-operate with the county...
Section 1728. - 1728. No city street shall be closed, either directly or...
Section 1729. - 1729. The police power of a city with reference to...
Section 1730. - 1730. (a) No ordinance of a city relating to the...
Section 1731. - 1731. The board of supervisors, by resolution, may relinquish to...
Section 1732. - 1732. County highways established pursuant to this article shall be...
CHAPTER 10 - County Ferries
Section 1750. - 1750. The boards of supervisors in their respective counties may...
Section 1751. - 1751. The boards of supervisors, in their respective counties, may...
Section 1752. - 1752. Whenever the board of supervisors of any county considers...
Section 1753. - 1753. Such board may acquire landing places for any such...
Section 1754. - 1754. When a navigable river forms a boundary between two...
Section 1754.5. - 1754.5. When a navigable bay forms a boundary between two...
Section 1755. - 1755. Each of the counties shall pay such proportion of...
Section 1756. - 1756. If either of the counties refuses to enter into...
Section 1757. - 1757. Any ferry constructed or acquired under this chapter by...