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Section 1720. - 1720. This article provides an alternative procedure for the establishment...
Section 1721. - 1721. The board of supervisors by resolution may determine that...
Section 1722. - 1722. The governing body of the city, by resolution, may...
Section 1723. - 1723. Upon the adoption of the resolution of consent by...
Section 1724. - 1724. Thereafter, the board of supervisors of the county may...
Section 1725. - 1725. Whenever a county highway has been established within a...
Section 1726. - 1726. The county and city may agree that the city...
Section 1727. - 1727. The city may by agreement co-operate with the county...
Section 1728. - 1728. No city street shall be closed, either directly or...
Section 1729. - 1729. The police power of a city with reference to...
Section 1730. - 1730. (a) No ordinance of a city relating to the...
Section 1731. - 1731. The board of supervisors, by resolution, may relinquish to...
Section 1732. - 1732. County highways established pursuant to this article shall be...