California Code
ARTICLE 10 - Financial Statements of Insurers
Section 922.425.

922.425. (a) Credit shall be allowed a domestic insurer when the reinsurance is ceded to an assuming insurer that meets all of the following requirements:

(1) The assuming insurer has its head office or is domiciled in, as applicable, and is licensed to transact reinsurance in, a reciprocal jurisdiction. A “reciprocal jurisdiction” is a jurisdiction, as designated by the commissioner pursuant to subdivision (b), that meets one of the following criteria:

(A) A non-United States jurisdiction that is subject to an in-force covered agreement with the United States, each within its legal authority, or, in the case of a covered agreement between the United States and European Union, is a member state of the European Union. For purposes of this section, a “covered agreement” is an agreement entered into pursuant to Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Sections 313 and 314 of Title 31 of the United States Code), that is currently in effect or in a period of provisional application and addresses the elimination, under specified conditions, of collateral requirements as a condition for entering into a reinsurance agreement with a ceding insurer domiciled in this state or for allowing the ceding insurer to recognize credit for reinsurance.

(B) A United States jurisdiction that meets the requirements for accreditation under the NAIC financial standards and accreditation program.

(C) A qualified jurisdiction, as determined by the commissioner pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 922.41, that is not otherwise described in subparagraph (A) or (B) and that the commissioner determines meets all of the following additional requirements, consistent with the terms and conditions of in-force covered agreements:

(i) Provides that an insurer that has its head office or is domiciled in a qualified jurisdiction shall receive credit for reinsurance ceded to a United States-domiciled assuming insurer in the same manner as credit for reinsurance is received for reinsurance assumed by insurers domiciled in that qualified jurisdiction.

(ii) Does not require a United States-domiciled assuming insurer to establish or maintain a local presence as a condition for entering into a reinsurance agreement with a ceding insurer subject to regulation by the non-United States jurisdiction or as a condition to allow the ceding insurer to recognize credit for that reinsurance.

(iii) Recognizes the United States’ regulatory approach to group supervision and group capital, by providing written confirmation by a competent regulatory authority, in the qualified jurisdiction, that insurers and insurance groups that are domiciled or maintain their headquarters in this state or another jurisdiction accredited by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) shall be subject only to worldwide prudential insurance group supervision, including worldwide group governance, solvency and capital, and reporting, as applicable, by the commissioner or the commissioner of the domiciliary state and shall not be subject to group supervision at the level of the worldwide parent undertaking of the insurance or reinsurance group by the qualified jurisdiction.

(iv) Provides written confirmation by a competent regulatory authority in the qualified jurisdiction that information regarding insurers and their parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entities, if applicable, shall be provided to the commissioner in accordance with a memorandum of understanding or similar document between the commissioner and the qualified jurisdiction, including the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding or other multilateral memoranda of understanding coordinated by the NAIC.

(2) The assuming insurer has and maintains, on an ongoing basis, minimum capital and surplus, or its equivalent, calculated on at least an annual basis as of the preceding December 31 or at the annual date otherwise statutorily reported to the reciprocal jurisdiction, and confirmed as set forth in paragraph (7) according to the methodology of its domiciliary jurisdiction, in either of the following amounts:

(A) No less than two hundred fifty million dollars ($250,000,000).

(B) If the assuming insurer is an association, including incorporated and individual unincorporated underwriters it must have and maintain, both of the following on an ongoing basis:

(i) Minimum capital and surplus equivalents (net of liabilities) or own funds of the equivalent of at least two hundred fifty million dollars ($250,000,000), calculated according to the methodology applicable in its domiciliary jurisdiction.

(ii) A central fund containing a balance of the equivalent of at least two hundred fifty million dollars ($250,000,000).

(3) The assuming insurer has and maintains, on an ongoing basis, a minimum solvency or capital ratio, as applicable, as follows:

(A) If the assuming insurer has its head office or is domiciled in a reciprocal jurisdiction as defined in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1), the ratio specified in the applicable covered agreement.

(B) If the assuming insurer is domiciled in a reciprocal jurisdiction as defined in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1), a risk-based capital (RBC) ratio of 300 percent of the authorized control level, calculated in accordance with the formula developed by the NAIC.

(C) If the assuming insurer is domiciled in a reciprocal jurisdiction as defined in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1), after consultation with the reciprocal jurisdiction and considering any recommendations published through the NAIC Committee Process, the solvency or capital ratio that the commissioner determines to be an effective measure of solvency.

(D) If the assuming insurer is an association, including incorporated and individual unincorporated underwriters, it shall have and maintain, on an ongoing basis, a minimum solvency or capital ratio in the reciprocal jurisdiction where the assuming insurer has its head office or is domiciled, as applicable, and is also licensed.

(4) The assuming insurer agrees to and provides adequate assurance to the commissioner, in the form of a properly executed Form RJ-1, as published on the department’s internet website, of its agreement to all of the following:

(A) The assuming insurer shall provide prompt written notice and explanation to the commissioner if it falls below the minimum requirements set forth in paragraph (2) or (3) or if any regulatory action is taken against it for serious noncompliance with applicable law.

(B) The assuming insurer shall consent, in writing, to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state and to the appointment of the commissioner as agent for service of process. The commissioner may require that consent for service of process be provided to the commissioner and included in each reinsurance agreement. This subparagraph does not limit, or in any way alter, the capacity of parties to a reinsurance agreement to agree to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, except to the extent those agreements are unenforceable under applicable insolvency or delinquency laws.

(C) The assuming insurer shall consent, in writing, to pay all final judgments, wherever enforcement is sought, obtained by a ceding insurer or its legal successor, that have been declared enforceable in the jurisdiction where the judgment was obtained.

(D) Each reinsurance agreement shall include a provision requiring the assuming insurer to provide security in an amount equal to 100 percent of the assuming insurer’s liabilities attributable to reinsurance ceded pursuant to that agreement if the assuming insurer resists enforcement of a final judgment that is enforceable under the law of the jurisdiction in which it was obtained or a properly enforceable arbitration award, whether obtained by the ceding insurer or by its legal successor on behalf of its resolution estate.

(E) The assuming insurer shall confirm that it is not presently participating in any solvent scheme of arrangement which involves this state’s ceding insurers, and shall agree to notify the ceding insurer and the commissioner and to provide security in an amount equal to 100 percent of the assuming insurer’s liabilities to the ceding insurer if the assuming insurer enters into such a solvent scheme of arrangement. Security shall be in a form consistent with the provisions of paragraph (1) of subdivision (i) of Section 922.41 and Section 922.5 and as specified by regulation. For purposes of this section, “solvent scheme of arrangement” means a foreign or alien statutory or regulatory compromise procedure subject to requisite majority creditor approval and judicial sanction in the assuming insurer’s home jurisdiction either to finally commute liabilities of duly noticed classed members or creditors of a solvent debtor, or to reorganize or restructure the debts and obligations of a solvent debtor on a final basis, and that may be subject to judicial recognition and enforcement of the arrangement by a governing authority outside the ceding insurer’s home jurisdiction.

(F) The assuming insurer shall agree, in writing, to meet the applicable information filing requirements as set forth in paragraph (5).

(5) The assuming insurer or its legal successor shall provide, if requested by the commissioner, on behalf of itself and any legal predecessors, the following documentation to the commissioner:

(A) For the two years preceding entry into the reinsurance agreement, and on an annual basis thereafter, the assuming insurer’s annual audited financial statements, in accordance with the applicable law of the jurisdiction of its head office or domiciliary jurisdiction, as applicable, including the external audit report.

(B) For the two years preceding entry into the reinsurance agreement, the solvency and financial condition report or actuarial opinion, if filed with the assuming insurer’s supervisor.

(C) Before entry into the reinsurance agreement, and not more than semiannually thereafter, an updated list of all disputed and overdue reinsurance claims outstanding for 90 days or more, regarding reinsurance assumed from ceding insurers domiciled in the United States.

(D) Before entry into the reinsurance agreement, and not more than semiannually thereafter, information regarding the assuming insurer’s assumed reinsurance by ceding insurer, ceded reinsurance by the assuming insurer, and reinsurance recoverable on paid and unpaid losses by the assuming insurer to allow for the evaluation of the criteria set forth in paragraph (6).

(6) The assuming insurer shall maintain a practice of prompt payment of claims under reinsurance agreements. The lack of prompt payment will be evidenced if one of the following criteria is met:

(A) More than 15 percent of the reinsurance recoverables from the assuming insurer are overdue and in dispute as reported to the commissioner.

(B) More than 15 percent of the assuming insurer’s ceding insurers or reinsurers have overdue reinsurance recoverable on paid losses of 90 days or more that are not in dispute and that exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for each ceding insurer, or as otherwise specified in a covered agreement.

(C) The aggregate amount of reinsurance recoverable on paid losses which are not in dispute, but are overdue by 90 days or more, exceeds fifty million dollars ($50,000,000), or as otherwise specified in a covered agreement.

(7) The assuming insurer’s supervisory authority shall confirm to the commissioner on an annual basis, as of the preceding December 31 or at the annual date otherwise statutorily reported to the reciprocal jurisdiction, that the assuming insurer complies with the requirements set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3).

(8) This subdivision does not preclude an assuming insurer from providing the commissioner with information on a voluntary basis.

(b) The commissioner shall timely create and publish a list of reciprocal jurisdictions.

(1) A list of reciprocal jurisdictions is published through the NAIC Committee Process. The commissioner’s list shall include any reciprocal jurisdiction as defined under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), and shall consider any other reciprocal jurisdiction included on the NAIC list. The commissioner may approve a jurisdiction that does not appear on the NAIC list of reciprocal jurisdictions as provided by applicable law or regulation, or in accordance with criteria published through the NAIC Committee Process.

(2) The commissioner may remove a jurisdiction from the list of reciprocal jurisdictions upon a determination that the jurisdiction no longer meets one or more of the requirements of a reciprocal jurisdiction, as provided by applicable law, a process set forth in regulations issued by the commissioner, or in accordance with criteria published through the NAIC Committee Process, except that the commissioner shall not remove from the list a reciprocal jurisdiction as defined under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a). Upon removal of a reciprocal jurisdiction from this list, credit for reinsurance ceded to an assuming insurer that has its home office or is domiciled in that jurisdiction shall be allowed, if otherwise allowed pursuant Section 922.4, 922.41, or 922.5.

(c) The commissioner shall timely create and publish a list of assuming insurers that have satisfied the conditions set forth in this section and to which cessions shall be granted credit in accordance with this section. The commissioner may add an assuming insurer to the list if a NAIC accredited jurisdiction has added the assuming insurer to a list of assuming insurers or if, upon initial eligibility, the assuming insurer submits the information to the commissioner as required under paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) and complies with any additional requirements that the commissioner may impose by regulation, except to the extent that they conflict with an applicable covered agreement.

(1) If a NAIC accredited jurisdiction has determined that the conditions set forth in subdivision (a) have been met, the commissioner has the discretion to defer to that jurisdiction’s determination, and add an assuming insurer to the list of assuming insurers to which cessions shall be granted credit. The commissioner may accept financial documentation filed with another NAIC accredited jurisdiction or with the NAIC in satisfaction of subdivision (a).

(2) When requesting that the commissioner defer to another NAIC accredited jurisdiction’s determination, an assuming insurer shall submit a properly executed Form RJ-1, as published on the department’s internet website, and additional information as the commissioner may require. Upon receiving the request, the commissioner shall notify other states through the NAIC Committee Process and provide relevant information with respect to the determination of eligibility.

(d) If the commissioner determines that an assuming insurer no longer meets one or more of the requirements under this section, the commissioner may revoke or suspend the eligibility of the assuming insurer for recognition.

(1) While an assuming insurer’s eligibility is suspended, a reinsurance agreement issued, amended, or renewed after the effective date of the suspension shall not qualify for credit except to the extent that the assuming insurer’s obligations under the contract are secured in accordance with Section 922.5.

(2) If an assuming insurer’s eligibility is revoked, credit for reinsurance shall not be granted after the effective date of the revocation with respect to any reinsurance agreements entered into by the assuming insurer, including reinsurance agreements entered into before the date of revocation, except to the extent that the assuming insurer’s obligations under the contract are secured in a form acceptable to the commissioner and consistent with the provisions of Section 922.5.

(e) Before denying statement credit, imposing a requirement to post security with respect to subdivision (d), or adopting a similar requirement that will have substantially the same regulatory impact as security, the commissioner shall do all of the following:

(1) Communicate with the ceding insurer, the assuming insurer, and the assuming insurer’s supervisory authority that the assuming insurer no longer satisfies one of the conditions listed in subdivision (a).

(2) Provide the assuming insurer with 30 days from the initial communication to submit a plan to remedy the defect, and 90 days from the initial communication to remedy the defect, except in exceptional circumstances in which a shorter period is necessary for policyholder and other consumer protection.

(3) After the expiration of 90 days or less, as set forth in paragraph (2), if the commissioner determines that no or insufficient action was taken by the assuming insurer, the commissioner may impose any of the requirements of this subdivision.

(4) Provide a written explanation to the assuming insurer of any of the requirements set out in this subdivision.

(f) If subject to a legal process of rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation, as applicable, the ceding insurer, or its representative, may seek and, if determined appropriate by the court in which the proceedings are pending, may obtain an order requiring that the assuming insurer post security for all outstanding ceded liabilities.

(g) This section does not limit or alter the capacity of parties to a reinsurance agreement to agree on requirements for security or other terms in that reinsurance agreement, except as expressly prohibited by Sections 922.1 to 922.9, inclusive, or other applicable law or regulation.

(h) Credit may be taken under this section only for reinsurance agreements entered into, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2021, and only with respect to losses incurred and reserves reported on or after the later of the date on which the assuming insurer has met all eligibility requirements pursuant to subdivision (a) and the effective date of the new reinsurance agreement, amendment, or renewal.

(1) This subdivision does not alter or impair a ceding insurer’s right to take credit for reinsurance, to the extent that credit is not available under this section, as long as the reinsurance qualifies for credit under Sections 922.1 to 922.9, inclusive.

(2) This section does not authorize an assuming insurer to withdraw or reduce the security provided under a reinsurance agreement, except as permitted by the terms of the agreement.

(3) This section does not limit or alter the capacity of parties to a reinsurance agreement to renegotiate the agreement.

(Added by Stats. 2020, Ch. 71, Sec. 3. (AB 2049) Effective January 1, 2021.)