California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Animal Blood and Blood Component Products Production and Biologics Production
Section 9212.5.

9212.5. (a) (1) The department shall discontinue its licensing program for commercial blood banks for animals that produce canine blood and blood component products sourced from captive closed-colony dogs within 18 months of making a finding and provision of notice as follows:

(A) Based on the quarterly reports required under Section 4920.6 of the Business and Professions Code, subdivision (c) of Section 9252, and subdivision (b) of Section 9253, every three months, the secretary shall calculate the total estimated amount of canine blood sold in California that quarter by community blood banks and, separately, the total estimated amount of canine blood that closed-colony blood banks sold in the state during the same period. This information shall be publicly posted on the department’s internet website along with annual totals compiled each year.

(B) If the secretary finds that community blood banks sold an annual amount of canine blood in California that equals or exceeds the annual amount closed-colony blood banks sold in four consecutive quarters, then the secretary shall provide notice on the department’s internet website that discontinues its licensing program for closed-colony blood banks for dogs within 18 months from the date of that notice.

(2) The calculation of canine blood pursuant to this subdivision shall be done separately, with whole blood, packed red blood cells, and fresh frozen plasma being measured as separate amounts in estimated milliliters based on weight in grams.

(3) For purposes of this section, “canine blood” means whole blood, packed red blood cells, and fresh frozen plasma.

(b) Upon enactment of this section, the secretary shall not accept any new applications to license a commercial blood bank for animals that produces canine blood or blood component products sourced from captive closed-colony dogs.

(c) Closed-colony blood banks may transition to community-sourced models and continue to operate in accordance with Article 7 (commencing with Section 4920) of Chapter 11 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 752, Sec. 13. (AB 1282) Effective January 1, 2022.)