72425. (a) (1) If the master, owner, operator, agent, or person in charge of an oceangoing ship has operated, or has caused to be operated, the oceangoing ship in the marine waters of the state during 2006, that master, owner, operator, agent, or person in charge shall provide the information described in subdivision (b) in electronic or written form to the commission upon the vessel’s departure from its first port or place of call in California beginning in 2006.
(2) The information described in subdivision (b) shall be submitted on a form developed by the commission.
(b) The master, owner, operator, or person in charge of the oceangoing vessel shall maintain on board the vessel, in written or electronic form, records that include all of the following information:
(1) Vessel information, including all of the following:
(A) Name.
(B) International Maritime Organization number or official number if the International Maritime Organization number has not been assigned.
(C) Vessel type.
(D) Owner or operator.
(E) Gross tonnage.
(F) Keel laid date.
(G) Port of registry.
(H) Typical or required number of crew.
(2) Graywater information, including the vessel’s ability to store graywater while in California waters and size and capacity of any graywater holding tanks, as measured in metric tons.
(3) Blackwater information, including the vessel’s ability to store blackwater while in California waters and size and capacity of any blackwater holding tanks, as measured in metric tons.
(4) Marine sanitation devices information, including number, size, and nature of devices on the vessel treating sewage prior to discharge.
(5) Connections to ensure transfer of sewage and graywater to pumpout facilities.
(6) California port of call information, including expected number of calls, in days, in ports within the state during 2006.
(7) Certification of accurate information, including the printed name, title, and signature of the master, owner, operator, or person in charge, or responsible officer attesting to the accuracy of the information provided.
(c) The commission shall submit the reported information to the board on or before February 1, 2007. The board shall submit the reported information to the Legislature on or before October 1, 2007. The board may submit the report to the Legislature in an electronic form.
(Repealed and added by Stats. 2005, Ch. 588, Sec. 18. Effective January 1, 2006.)