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CHAPTER 1 - Findings and Declarations
Section 72400. - 72400. The Legislature finds and declares both of the following:...
Section 72401. - 72401. The Legislature finds and declares both of the following:...
CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
Section 72410. - 72410. (a) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set...
CHAPTER 3 - Prohibited Releases
Section 72420. - 72420. (a) If the appropriate federal agencies approve an application...
Section 72420.2. - 72420.2. (a) An owner or operator of a large passenger...
Section 72421. - 72421. (a) The owner or operator shall notify the California...
Section 72423. - 72423. An oceangoing ship with sufficient holding tank capacity and...
Section 72425. - 72425. (a) (1) If the master, owner, operator, agent, or...
CHAPTER 4 - Penalties
Section 72430. - 72430. (a) A person who violates Section 72420 or 72420.2...
CHAPTER 5 - Miscellaneous
Section 72440. - 72440. (a) (1) The board shall determine whether it is...
Section 72440.1. - 72440.1. The board shall request the appropriate federal agencies, as...
Section 72441. - 72441. (a) This division does not apply to either of...
Section 72442. - 72442. The board may adopt regulations to carry out this...