California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
Section 72410.

72410. (a) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in this section govern this division.

(b) “Board” means the State Water Resources Control Board.

(c) “Commission” means the State Lands Commission.

(d) “Graywater” means drainage from dishwasher, shower, laundry, bath, and washbasin drains, but does not include drainage from toilets, urinals, hospitals, or cargo spaces.

(e) “Hazardous waste” has the meaning set forth in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code, but does not include sewage.

(f) “Large passenger vessel” or “vessel” means a vessel of 300 gross registered tons or greater that is engaged in the carrying of passengers for hire, excluding all of the following vessels:

(1) Vessels without berths or overnight accommodations for passengers.

(2) Noncommercial vessels, warships, vessels operated by nonprofit entities as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, and vessels operated by the state, the United States, or a foreign government.

(3) Oceangoing ships, as defined in subdivision (j).

(g) “Marine waters of the state” means waters within the area bounded by the mean high tide line to the three-mile state waters limit, from the Oregon border to the Mexican border.

(h) “Marine sanctuary” means marine waters of the state in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, or Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

(i) “Medical waste” means medical waste subject to regulation pursuant to Part 14 (commencing with Section 117600) of Division 104 of the Health and Safety Code.

(j) “Oceangoing ship” means a private, commercial, government, or military vessel of 300 gross registered tons or more calling on California ports or places.

(k) “Oil” has the meaning set forth in Section 8750.

(l) “Oily bilgewater” includes bilgewater that contains used lubrication oils, oil sludge and slops, fuel and oil sludge, used oil, used fuel and fuel filters, and oily waste.

(m) “Operator” has the meaning set forth in Section 651 of the Harbors and Navigation Code.

(n) “Other waste” means photography laboratory chemicals, dry cleaning chemicals, or medical waste.

(o) “Owner” has the meaning set forth in Section 651 of the Harbors and Navigation Code.

(p) “Release” means discharging or disposing of wastes into the environment.

(q) “Sewage” has the meaning set forth in Section 775.5 of the Harbors and Navigation Code, including material that has been collected or treated through a marine sanitation device as that term is used in Section 312 of the federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. Sec. 1322) or material that is a byproduct of sewage treatment.

(r) “Sewage sludge” has the meaning set forth in Section 122.2 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(s) “Sufficient holding tank capacity” means a holding tank of sufficient capacity to contain sewage and graywater while the oceangoing ship is within the marine waters of the state.

(t) “Waste” means hazardous waste and other waste.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 76, Sec. 176. (AB 383) Effective January 1, 2014.)