California Code
CHAPTER 4.9 - Payment of Fees, Charges, Dedications, or Other Requirements Against a Development Project
Section 65996.

65996. (a) Notwithstanding Section 65858, or Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code, or any other provision of state or local law, the following provisions shall be the exclusive methods of considering and mitigating impacts on school facilities that occur or might occur as a result of any legislative or adjudicative act, or both, by any state or local agency involving, but not limited to, the planning, use, or development of real property or any change of governmental organization or reorganization, as defined in Section 56021 or 56073:

(1)  Section 17620 of the Education Code.

(2) Chapter 4.7 (commencing with Section 65970) of Division 1 of Title 7.

(b) The provisions of this chapter are hereby deemed to provide full and complete school facilities mitigation and, notwithstanding Section 65858, or Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code, or any other provision of state or local law, a state or local agency may not deny or refuse to approve a legislative or adjudicative act, or both, involving, but not limited to, the planning, use, or development of real property or any change in governmental organization or reorganization, as defined in Section 56021 or 56073, on the basis that school facilities are inadequate.

(c) For purposes of this section, “school facilities” means any school-related consideration relating to a school district’s ability to accommodate enrollment.

(d) Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to limit or prohibit the ability of a local agency to utilize other methods to provide school facilities if these methods are not levied or imposed in connection with, or made a condition of, a legislative or adjudicative act, or both, involving, but not limited to, the planning, use, or development of real property or a change in governmental organization or reorganization, as defined in Section 56021 or 56073. Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to limit or prohibit the assessment or reassessment of property in conjunction with ad valorum taxes, or the placement of a parcel on the secured roll in conjunction with qualified special taxes as that term is used in Section 50079.

(e) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to limit or prohibit the ability of a local agency to mitigate the impacts of land use approvals other than on the need for school facilities, as defined in this section.

(f) This section shall become inoperative during any time that Section 65997 is operative and this section shall become operative at any time that Section 65997 is inoperative.

(Amended by Stats. 1998, Ch. 407, Sec. 23. Effective August 27, 1998. Operative November 4, 1998, by Sec. 31 of Ch. 407, pursuant to adoption of Prop. 1A. As prescribed in subd. (f), this section is inoperative whenever Section 65997 is operative, and operative whenever Section 65997 is inoperative. Note: Pursuant to Education Code Section 101122 (subd. (d)), which was added Nov. 8, 2016, by Prop. 51, Chapter 4.9 (Sections 65995 to 65998) as it read on Jan. 1, 2015, continues in effect until Dec. 31, 2020, or earlier date prescribed. Thereafter, Chapter 4.9 may be amended.)