California Code
ARTICLE 5 - Implementation and Suspension of Operations
Section 65068.

65068. (a) Five years after implementation of this chapter, the secretary shall hold a public hearing after providing proper notice to producers subject to this chapter and any other persons or entities who have requested, in writing, notice of the hearing to determine whether the operation of this chapter should be continued. If, after the hearing, the secretary finds that a substantial question exists among the producers assessed under this chapter as to whether the operation of this chapter should be continued, the secretary shall conduct a reapproval referendum to be conducted among producers to determine whether the operation of this chapter shall be reapproved and continue in effect.

(b) If the secretary finds, after conducting a hearing, that no substantial question exists or if a reapproval referendum is required and a majority of eligible producers voting in the referendum voted in favor of continuing the operation of this chapter, the secretary shall certify the vote and this chapter shall remain operative. If the secretary finds that a majority vote has not been given, the secretary shall certify the vote and declare the operation of this chapter suspended and the operations of the council concluded and funds distributed in the manner provided in subdivision (c). A bond or security shall not be required for the referendum. The secretary shall provide public notice of the suspension of this chapter on the department’s internet website.

(c) On the expiration of this chapter pursuant to this article, the council shall remain in existence for the purpose of furnishing the secretary with a complete record of its outstanding financial obligations, accrued and to accrue. The secretary shall pay from the money deposited and disbursed any outstanding obligations and any obligations incurred by the secretary and the department under the terms and provisions of this section. Any money that remains shall be retained by the secretary to defray the expenses of formulation, issuance, administration, or enforcement of any subsequent program for beef promotion. If such a program is not undertaken within a period of three years from the date of termination of this chapter, the money shall be used to fund activities related to the subject matter of this chapter at the discretion of the secretary.

(d) Following a hearing and favorable referendum, if required, the process specified in this section shall be conducted by the secretary every five years between July 1 and June 30 of the following year.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 497, Sec. 128. (AB 991) Effective January 1, 2020. Repealed conditionally pursuant to Section 65066.)