California Code
CHAPTER 1 - Voluntary Admissions to Mental Hospitals and Institutions
Section 6002.30.

6002.30. (a) All reasonably available clinical information which is relevant to establishing whether the minor meets the admission criteria pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 6002.35 shall be considered by the psychiatrist conducting the review. In considering the information presented, the psychiatrist conducting the review shall privately interview the minor, and shall consult the treating clinician to review alternative treatment options which may be suitable for the minor’s mental disorder.

(b) If the minor has received medication while an inpatient, the person conducting the review shall be informed of that fact and of the probable effects of the medication. The person presenting the clinical information in favor of inpatient treatment shall also inform the psychiatrist conducting the review of the proposed treatment plan for the minor, and, if known, whether the minor has had any previous independent clinical review at any facility, and the results of that service.

(c) The standard of review shall be whether the minor continues to have a mental disorder, whether further inpatient treatment is reasonably likely to be beneficial to the minor’s mental disorder, or whether the placement in the facility represents the least restrictive, most appropriate available setting, within the constraints of reasonably available services, facilities, resources, and financial support, in which to treat the minor.

(d) The review shall take place within five days of the request.

(e) At the review, the minor shall have the right to be present, to be assisted by the advocate, and to question persons recommending inpatient treatment. If the minor is unwilling to attend, the review shall be held in his or her absence with the advocate representing the minor.

(f) The location of the independent clinical review shall be compatible with, and least disruptive of, the treatment being provided to the minor. Independent clinical reviews shall be conducted at the facility where the minor is treated. The review shall be situated in a location which ensures privacy.

(g) The independent clinical review shall be held in an informal setting so as to minimize the anxiety of both parents and minors and promote cooperation and communication among all interested parties. All parties shall make a reasonable effort to speak in terms the minor can understand and shall explain any terminology with which he or she may not be familiar.

(h) The review may be closed to anyone other than the minor, his or her parents or legal guardian, a representative of the facility, the minor’s advocate, the psychiatrist conducting the review and the person presenting information in favor of, or opposition to, the inpatient treatment. The person conducting the review shall have discretion to limit the number of participants and shall keep participants to the minimum time necessary to relate the needed information.

(i) No party shall have legal representation in the review process.

(j) If any of the parties to the independent clinical review do not comprehend the language used at the independent clinical review, it shall be the responsibility of the psychiatrist conducting the independent clinical review to retain an interpreter.

(Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 1375, Sec. 5.)