California Code
ARTICLE 10.5 - Liens on Livestock Sold or Delivered to Meatpackers
Section 55703.

55703. Except as provided in this section, any lien created under Section 55702 shall continue in force for a period of five years from the date of filing of the notice of lien. The lien shall cease at the expiration of five years unless the claimant thereof, or his assignee, or successor in interest, brings suit to foreclose the lien, in which case the lien continues in force until such lien foreclosure suit is finally determined and closed. If such foreclosure proceeding is not prosecuted to trial within two years after the commencement thereof, the court may in its discretion dismiss the foreclosure suit.

The plaintiff in any such lien foreclosure suit may have the property upon which such lien subsists attached, as provided in the Code of Civil Procedure.

Any number of persons claiming liens under this article may join in the same action and when separate actions are commenced, the court may consolidate them. Whenever the sale of the property subject to any lien or liens provided for in this article, under the judgment or decree of foreclosure of such lien or liens, results in a deficiency of proceeds, the proceeds shall be divided pro rata among the lien claimants whose liens are established, regardless of the order in which the liens were created or the order in which the suits to foreclose same were commenced, and the judgment or decree for the deficiency may be docketed against the party personally liable therefor and his sureties, in the same manner and with the same effect as in actions for the foreclosure of security interests.

Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to impair or affect the right of any person to whom any debt may be due for livestock sold or delivered to maintain a personal action to recover such debt against the person liable therefor, or his sureties, either in connection with a suit to foreclose the lien or in a separate action. Any person bringing such personal action may take out a separate attachment therefor, notwithstanding his lien or the amount of his debt. In the affidavit to procure an attachment pursuant to such personal action, such person shall state that the attachment is made pursuant to this section, and the judgment, if any, obtained by the plaintiff in such personal action shall not be construed to impair or merge any lien held by such person under this article. Any money collected on such personal judgment shall be credited on the amount of such lien in any action brought to enforce the lien.

(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 497.)