California Code
ARTICLE 6 - Disciplinary Proceedings
Section 5103.5.

5103.5. (a) The board shall post on its Internet Web site, in an easily marked and identifiable location, notice of all formal accusations. The notice of any formal accusation shall contain a link to where a person may request and have sent to him or her a copy of the formal accusation, and the basis for the accusation and alleged violations filed by the board against a licensee.

(b) The link to where a person may request and have sent to him or her a copy of the formal accusation shall be clearly and conspicuously located on the same Internet Web site page on which the notice is posted and shall authorize a person to request and receive the information described in subdivision (a) by regular mail or electronic mail.

(c) The board shall develop a statement that informs any person requesting a copy of a formal accusation and any person receiving a copy of a formal accusation that any allegations contained in the accusation are not a final determination of wrongdoing and are subject to adjudication and final review by the board pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code). This statement shall be provided to a person requesting and receiving a copy of a formal accusation in a manner to be determined by the board.

(Added by Stats. 2009, Ch. 378, Sec. 3. (AB 1005) Effective January 1, 2010.)