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Section 5100. - 5100. After notice and hearing the board may revoke, suspend,...
Section 5100.1. - 5100.1. Notwithstanding any other law, in causes for discipline against...
Section 5100.2. - 5100.2. (a) In addition to the grounds for the denial...
Section 5100.5. - 5100.5. (a) After notice and hearing the board may, for...
Section 5101. - 5101. After notice and hearing the board shall revoke the...
Section 5102. - 5102. The proceedings under this article shall be conducted in...
Section 5103. - 5103. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the board...
Section 5103.5. - 5103.5. (a) The board shall post on its Internet Web...
Section 5104. - 5104. Any certified public accountant or public accountant whose certificate,...
Section 5105. - 5105. Any certified public accountant or public accountant who is...
Section 5106. - 5106. A plea or verdict of guilty or a conviction...
Section 5107. - 5107. (a) The executive officer of the board may request...
Section 5108. - 5108. In connection with any investigation or action authorized by...
Section 5109. - 5109. The expiration, cancellation, forfeiture, or suspension of a license,...
Section 5110. - 5110. (a) After notice and an opportunity for a hearing,...
Section 5111. - 5111. Cheating on, or subverting or attempting to subvert any...
Section 5112. - 5112. (a) The board may deny an application to take...
Section 5113. - 5113. An individual who has been denied admission to the...
Section 5115. - 5115. (a) A person whose license has been revoked or...