California Code
CHAPTER 11 - Mobilehome Park Purchase Fund
Section 50784.6.

50784.6. (a) The department may make loans from the fund to a qualified nonprofit housing sponsor, resident organization, or a local public entity for the acquisition and construction of a new mobilehome park or a part of a mobilehome park if all of the following apply:

(1) The mobilehome park or part of the mobilehome park is to replace a mobilehome park or part of a mobilehome park that was destroyed by a natural disaster and is located on the site of the partially or wholly destroyed mobilehome park or within 20 miles from the destroyed mobilehome park.

(2)  The low-income residents of the destroyed mobilehome park that were displaced by the natural disaster are provided the right of first refusal to occupy mobilehomes in the new mobilehome park. The applicant shall provide notice to the former residents in a manner most likely to provide actual notice to the displaced residents. The right of first refusal shall be at least for a 180-day period following written notice to the former resident of their right of first refusal prior to the offering of spaces at the newly constructed mobilehome park to the public. The terms and conditions of the right of first refusal shall be subject to department approval to protect displaced residents.

(3) The low-income residents of the new mobilehome park are provided lease or rental terms that are affordable or, to the extent possible, equivalent to those in effect at the destroyed mobilehome park.

(4) No less than 50 percent of the spaces in the new mobilehome park will be made affordable to and occupied by households with incomes not exceeding 80 percent of the area median income of the county in which the destroyed mobilehome park was located. The department may establish more restrictive provisions in guidelines.

(b)  Loans issued pursuant to this section shall be for a duration, interest rate, and other terms, as determined by the department to be equitable and necessary, as specified in the guidelines. Interest rates shall be no more than 3 percent per annum, and the department shall allow loan repayments to be deferred for the full term of the loan, with principal and accumulated interest due and payable upon completion of the term of the loan. Loan amounts shall be for an amount reasonable and necessary to ensure project feasibility as determined by the department, not to exceed 95 percent of the costs attributable to the low-income spaces.

(c)  Before providing financing pursuant to this section, the department shall require verification that the qualified nonprofit housing sponsor or local public entity shall comply with all state and local laws protecting mobilehome park residents, including, but not limited to, any local rental control ordinances and Section 65863.7 of the Government Code.

(d) “Natural disaster” means a natural disaster for which a state of emergency is declared by the Governor, pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 8550) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2022, Ch. 70, Sec. 30. (SB 197) Effective June 30, 2022.)