California Code
CHAPTER 11 - Mobilehome Park Purchase Fund
Section 50783.

50783. (a)  (1)  The department may make loans from the fund to resident organizations, qualified nonprofit housing sponsors, and local public entities for the purpose of financing mobilehome park acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and replacement.

(2) Loans provided pursuant to this subdivision shall be for a duration, interest rate, and other terms, as determined by the department to be equitable and necessary. Interest rates shall be no more than 3 percent per annum, and the department shall allow loan repayments to be deferred for the full term of the loan, with principal and accumulated interest due and payable upon completion of the term of the loan.

(3) Loans provided pursuant to this subdivision shall be for the minimum amount necessary to enable a resident organization, qualified nonprofit housing sponsor, or local public entity to acquire, convert, rehabilitate, reconstruct, or replace, or any combination thereof, the mobilehome park. To the extent possible, the loan amount shall not exceed 50 percent of the approved costs. However, the loan amount may be for up to 95 percent of the approved costs attributable to the low-income households in the park when approved by the department.

(4) The department may grant approval to exceed 50 percent of the approved costs only if both of the following are demonstrated:

(A) That the applicant has made an effort to secure additional funds from other sources and these funds are not available.

(B) That the project would not be feasible, as determined by the department, without a waiver of the 50-percent financing limitation.

(5) The total secured debt in a superior position to the department’s loan plus the department’s loan shall not exceed 115 percent of the value of the collateral securing the loan plus the costs related to the acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement, or any combination thereof, of the project.

(6) Funds provided pursuant to this subdivision may be used to finance the costs of reestablishing a mobilehome park, including relocating mobilehomes, to a more suitable site within the same jurisdiction if the department determines that the cost of the reestablishment, including any and all relocation costs to the affected households, is a more prudent expenditure of funds than the costs of needed or repetitive repairs to the existing park. Funds provided pursuant to this section shall not be used to relieve a park owner of any responsibility for covering the costs of mitigating the impacts of a park closure, as may be provided for by local ordinance or pursuant to Section 65863.7 or 66427.4 of the Government Code.

(b) (1) Upon appropriation by the Legislature of funding for this purpose, the department may make loans from the fund to mobilehome parks to correct health and safety deficiencies and to mobilehome parks that have received a notice of revocation or suspension of their permit to operate or do not currently have a permit to operate in order to make repairs necessary to obtain or restore the permit to operate, including any on-site or off-site needs for utility connections or other essential health and safety purposes. Mobilehome parks owned by resident organizations, qualified nonprofit housing sponsors, local public entities, and private park owners shall be eligible for loans for the purposes of this subdivision. For purposes of this subdivision, the department may make loans from the fund to private mobilehome park owners if the owner owns only the mobilehome park for which they are applying for a loan and no other mobilehome park, and if the department determines both of the following:

(A) The loan will have a substantial benefit for lower income residents.

(B) The park owner does not have access to other financing or resources necessary to complete the repairs.

(2) Loans provided pursuant to this subdivision shall be for the minimum amount necessary to restore the park to a condition meeting all health and safety standards and shall be subject to other requirements specified in the guidelines.

(3) For loans made pursuant to this subdivision, the borrower shall agree to use restrictions, affordability restrictions, and displacement protections, as specified in the guidelines.

(4) (A) Notwithstanding any applicable local rent control ordinances, parks shall be subject to affordability restrictions at a housing cost affordable to households making less than 80 percent of the area median income or where rents charged are below 30 percent of market rents for a comparable unit, whichever results in the lowest monthly rents charged, for no less than 30 years, subject to the following park sizes:

(i) Parks with 10 spaces or fewer shall not be subject to this paragraph, except that local rent control ordinances shall apply.

(ii) Parks with 11 to 25 spaces shall restrict at least 10 percent of their units to affordable rents.

(iii) Parks with 26 to 50 spaces shall restrict at least 25 percent of their units to affordable rents.

(iv) Parks with 51 spaces or more shall restrict at least 50 percent of their units to affordable rents.

(B) For loans made pursuant to this subdivision, the borrower shall agree to offer resident organizations, nonprofit housing sponsors, and public entities the option to purchase before any other purchasers for a period of no less than 60 calendar days. If no resident organizations, nonprofit housing sponsors, or public entities demonstrate a desire to purchase, then the borrower may sell the park without regard to this subparagraph.

(C) The department shall specify borrower commitments in guidelines. In specifying borrower commitments, the department may vary borrower commitments for different levels of funding, and may require more rigorous standards for use and may restrict rents at deeper affordability levels to be commensurate with larger public investments.

(5) Loans provided pursuant to this subdivision shall be for a duration, interest rate, and other terms, as determined by the department to be equitable and necessary, and shall not jeopardize the financial stability of the fund, as specified in the guidelines.

(c) (1) The department may make loans from the fund to nonprofit corporations and local public entities for the purpose of financing the purchase or rehabilitation of mobilehomes, subject to affordability restrictions and other conditions, as specified in the guidelines.

(2) Loans provided pursuant to this subdivision shall be for a duration, interest rate, and other terms, as determined by the department to be equitable and necessary, as specified in the guidelines. Any interest rate established pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed 3 percent per annum.

(d) If, six months following the issuance of the first notice of funding availability, 55 percent or more of funds remain uncommitted, the department may revise eligibility requirements in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) by increasing the number of mobilehome parks a private park owner may own to no more than three.

(Amended by Stats. 2022, Ch. 70, Sec. 27. (SB 197) Effective June 30, 2022.)