California Code
CHAPTER 6 - Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program
Section 50221.

50221. (a) After receiving program funds, a recipient, by January 1 of the year following receipt of the funds and annually on that date thereafter until all funds have been expended, shall submit a report to the council on a form and method provided by the council, that includes all of the following, as well as any additional information the council deems appropriate or necessary:

(1) An ongoing tracking of the specific uses and expenditures of any program funds broken out by eligible uses listed, including the current status of those funds.

(2) The number of homeless individuals served by the program funds in that year, and a total number served in all years of the program, as well the homeless population served.

(3) The types of housing assistance provided, broken out by the number of individuals.

(4) Outcome data for an individual served through program funds, including the type of housing that an individual exited to, the percent of successful housing exits, and exit types for unsuccessful housing exits.

(b) No later than January 1, 2026, each applicant that receives a round 1 program allocation shall submit to the council a final report in a format provided by the council, as well as detailed uses of all program funds.

(c) The council shall post this information to its internet website within 30 days of receipt and provide notice to the Senate Housing Committee, Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee, and the appropriate Fiscal Committees.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 111, Sec. 11. (AB 140) Effective July 19, 2021.)