California Code
CHAPTER 6 - Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program
Section 50218.

50218. (a) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, six hundred fifty million dollars ($650,000,000) of the funds administered pursuant to this chapter shall be available for implementing round 1 of the program, as follows:

(1) One hundred ninety million dollars ($190,000,000) of the funding available pursuant to this section shall be available for continuums of care. The agency shall calculate these allocations to a continuum of care based on each continuum of care’s proportionate share of the state’s total homeless population, based on the homeless point-in-time count. The agency shall award no more than 40 percent of the allocation made pursuant to this section and no less than five hundred thousand ($500,000) to an applicant that is a continuum of care.

(2) Two hundred seventy-five million dollars ($275,000,000) of the funding available pursuant to this section shall be available to each city, or city that is also a county, that has a population of 300,000 or more, as of January 1, 2019, according to data published on the Department of Finance’s internet website. The agency shall calculate the allocation to a city based on the city’s proportionate share of the total homeless population of the region served by the continuum of care within which the city is located, based on the homeless point-in-time count. The agency shall not award more than 45 percent of the program allocation to a city. If more than one recipient within the continuum of care meets the requirements of this paragraph, the proportionate share of funds shall be equally allocated to those jurisdictions.

(3) One hundred seventy-five million dollars ($175,000,000) of the funding available pursuant to this section shall be available to each county. The agency shall calculate the allocation to county based on the county’s proportionate share of the total homeless population of region served by the continuum of care within which the county is located, based on the homeless point-in-time count. The agency shall not award more than 40 percent of the allocation made pursuant to this section to a county.

(4) Once the 2019 point-in-time count numbers have been finalized and posted by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and any determinations described in subdivision (j) of Section 50216 have been announced, the agency shall calculate each jurisdiction’s final program allocation award amount and submit that information to the council. The council shall post this information to its internet website.

(5) A program recipient shall not use funding from the program to supplant existing local funds for homeless housing, assistance, or prevention.

(b) A program recipient shall use at least 8 percent, of the funds for services for homeless youth populations.

(c) Of the amount made available pursuant to subdivision (a), no more than 5 percent shall be expended on state operations.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 15, Sec. 9. (AB 83) Effective June 29, 2020.)