California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Employment
Section 44830.3.

44830.3. (a) The governing board of any school district that maintains prekindergarten, kindergarten, or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, classes in bilingual education, or special education programs, may, in consultation with a regionally accredited institution of higher education offering an approved program of pedagogical teacher preparation, employ persons authorized by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to provide service as district interns to provide instruction to pupils in those grades or classes as a classroom teacher. The governing board shall require that each district intern be assisted and guided by a certificated employee selected through a competitive process adopted by the governing board after consultation with the exclusive teacher representative unit or by personnel employed by institutions of higher education to supervise student teachers. These certificated employees shall possess valid certification at the same level, or of the same type of credential, as the district interns they serve.

(b) The governing board of each school district employing district interns shall develop and implement a professional development plan for district interns in consultation with a regionally accredited institution of higher education offering an approved program of pedagogical preparation. The professional development plan shall include all of the following:

(1) Provisions for an annual evaluation of the district intern.

(2) As the governing board determines necessary, a description of courses to be completed by the district intern, if any, and a plan for the completion of preservice or other clinical training, if any, including student teaching.

(3) Mandatory preservice training for district interns tailored to the grade level or class to be taught, through either of the following options:

(A) One hundred twenty clock hours of preservice training and orientation in the aspects of child development, classroom organization and management, pedagogy, and methods of teaching the subject field or fields in which the district intern will be assigned, which training and orientation period shall be under the direct supervision of an experienced permanent teacher. In addition, persons holding district intern certificates issued by the commission pursuant to Section 44325 shall receive orientation in methods of teaching pupils with disabilities. At the conclusion of the preservice training period, the permanent teacher shall provide the district with information regarding the area that should be emphasized in the future training of the district intern.

(B) The successful completion, before service by the intern in any classroom, of six semester units of coursework from a regionally accredited institution of higher education designed in cooperation with the school district to provide instruction and orientation in the aspects of child development and the methods of teaching the subject matter or matters in which the district intern will be assigned.

(4) Instruction in child development and the methods of teaching during the first semester of service for district interns teaching in prekindergarten, kindergarten, or any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, including bilingual education classes and special education programs.

(5) Instruction in the culture and methods of teaching bilingual pupils during the first year of service for district interns teaching pupils in bilingual classes and, for persons holding district intern certificates issued by the commission pursuant to Section 44325, instruction in the etiology and methods of teaching pupils with disabilities.

(6) Any other criteria that may be required by the governing board.

(7) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraphs (1) to (6), inclusive, the professional development plan for district interns teaching in special education programs shall also include 120 clock hours of mandatory training and supervised fieldwork that shall include, but not be limited to, instructional practices, and the procedures and pedagogy of both general education programs and special education programs that teach pupils with disabilities.

(8) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraphs (1) to (6), inclusive, the professional development plan for district interns teaching bilingual classes shall also include 120 clock hours of mandatory training and orientation, which shall include, but not be limited to, instruction in subject matter relating to bilingual-crosscultural language and academic development.

(9) The professional development plan for district interns teaching in special education programs shall be based on the standards adopted by the commission as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 44327.

(c) Each district intern and each district teacher assigned to supervise the district intern during the preservice period shall be compensated for the preservice period required pursuant to subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b). The compensation shall be that which is normally provided by each district for staff development or in-service activity.

(d) Upon completion of service sufficient to meet program standards and performance assessments, the governing board may recommend to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing that the district intern be credentialed in the manner prescribed by Section 44328.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 663, Sec. 31. (AB 320) Effective January 1, 2022.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Education Code - EDC




CHAPTER 4 - Employment Certificated Employees

ARTICLE 2 - Employment

Section 44830.

Section 44830.1.

Section 44830.2.

Section 44830.3.

Section 44830.5.

Section 44830.7.

Section 44831.

Section 44832.

Section 44833.

Section 44834.

Section 44834.1.

Section 44834.2.

Section 44835.

Section 44836.

Section 44837.

Section 44838.

Section 44839.

Section 44839.5.

Section 44840.

Section 44842.

Section 44843.

Section 44844.

Section 44845.

Section 44846.

Section 44847.

Section 44848.

Section 44849.

Section 44850.

Section 44850.1.

Section 44851.

Section 44852.

Section 44853.

Section 44854.

Section 44855.

Section 44856.

Section 44857.

Section 44858.

Section 44859.

Section 44860.

Section 44861.

Section 44862.

Section 44863.

Section 44864.

Section 44865.

Section 44866.

Section 44867.

Section 44868.

Section 44869.

Section 44870.

Section 44871.

Section 44872.

Section 44873.

Section 44874.

Section 44875.

Section 44876.

Section 44877.

Section 44878.

Section 44879.

Section 44885.5.

Section 44893.

Section 44894.

Section 44895.

Section 44896.

Section 44897.

Section 44898.

Section 44899.

Section 44900.

Section 44901.

Section 44902.1.

Section 44902.2.

Section 44903.

Section 44903.7.

Section 44907.

Section 44908.

Section 44909.

Section 44910.

Section 44911.

Section 44912.

Section 44913.

Section 44914.

Section 44915.

Section 44916.

Section 44917.

Section 44918.

Section 44919.

Section 44920.

Section 44921.

Section 44922.

Section 44923.

Section 44924.

Section 44925.

Section 44926.

Section 44927.

Section 44928.

Section 44929.