California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Employment
Section 44830.

44830. (a) The governing board of a school district shall employ for positions requiring certification qualifications, only persons who possess the qualifications for those positions prescribed by law. It is contrary to the public policy of this state for a person or persons charged, by the governing boards, with the responsibility of recommending persons for employment by the boards to refuse or to fail to do so for reasons of race, color, religious creed, sex, or national origin of the applicants for that employment.

(b) (1) The governing board of a school district shall not initially hire on a permanent, temporary, or substitute basis a certificated person seeking employment in the capacity designated in the certificated person’s credential unless that person has demonstrated basic skills proficiency as provided in Section 44252.5 or is exempt from the requirement by subdivision (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), or (l).

(A) The governing board of a school district, with the authorization of the commission, may administer the state basic skills proficiency test required under Sections 44252 and 44252.5.

(B) The Superintendent, in conjunction with the commission and local governing boards, shall take steps necessary to ensure the effective implementation of this subdivision.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that in effectively implementing this subdivision, the governing boards of school districts shall direct superintendents of schools to prepare for emergencies by developing a pool of qualified emergency substitute teachers. This preparation shall include public notice of the test requirements and of the dates and locations of administrations of the tests. The governing board of a school district shall make special efforts to encourage individuals who are known to be qualified in other respects as substitutes to take the state basic skills proficiency test at its earliest administration.

(3) Demonstration of proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics by a person pursuant to Section 44252 satisfies the requirements of this subdivision.

(c) A certificated person is not required to take the state basic skills proficiency examination if the certificated person has taken and passed it at least once, achieved a passing score on any of the tests specified in subdivision (b) of Section 44252, or possessed a credential before the enactment of the statute that made the test a requirement.

(d) This section does not require a person employed solely for purposes of teaching adults in an apprenticeship program, approved by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the Department of Industrial Relations, to pass the state proficiency assessment instrument as a condition of employment.

(e) This section does not require the holder of a childcare permit or a permit authorizing service in a development center for the handicapped to take the state basic skills proficiency test, so long as the holder of the permit is not required to have a baccalaureate degree.

(f) This section does not require the holder of a credential issued by the commission who seeks an additional credential or authorization to teach, to take the state basic skills proficiency test.

(g) This section does not require the holder of a credential to provide service in the health profession to take the state basic skills proficiency test if that person does not teach in the public schools.

(h) This section does not require the holder of a designated subjects special subjects credential to pass the state basic skills proficiency test as a condition of employment unless the requirements for the specific credential require the possession of a baccalaureate degree. The governing board of a school district, the governing board of a consortium of school districts, or a governing board involved in a joint powers agreement that employs the holder of a designated subjects special subjects credential shall establish its own basic skills proficiency for these credentials and shall arrange for those individuals to be assessed. The basic skills proficiency criteria established by the governing board shall be at least equivalent to the test required by the district, or in the case of a consortium or a joint powers agreement, by any of the participating districts, for graduation from high school. The governing board or boards may charge a fee to individuals being tested to cover the costs of the test, including the costs of developing, administering, and grading the test.

(i) This section does not require the holder of a preliminary or clear designated subjects career technical education teaching credential to pass the state basic skills proficiency test.

(j) This section does not require certificated personnel employed under a foreign exchange program to take the state basic skills proficiency test. The maximum period of exemption under this subdivision shall be one year.

(k) This section does not require a credential applicant who qualifies for an exemption described in paragraph (10) or (11) of subdivision (b) of Section 44252 to take the state basic skills proficiency test.

(l) Notwithstanding any other law, a school district or county office of education may hire certificated personnel who have not taken the state basic skills proficiency test if that person has not yet been afforded the opportunity to take the test. The person shall take the test at the earliest opportunity and may remain employed by the school district pending the receipt of the person’s test results.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 44, Sec. 47. (AB 130) Effective July 9, 2021.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Education Code - EDC




CHAPTER 4 - Employment Certificated Employees

ARTICLE 2 - Employment

Section 44830.

Section 44830.1.

Section 44830.2.

Section 44830.3.

Section 44830.5.

Section 44830.7.

Section 44831.

Section 44832.

Section 44833.

Section 44834.

Section 44834.1.

Section 44834.2.

Section 44835.

Section 44836.

Section 44837.

Section 44838.

Section 44839.

Section 44839.5.

Section 44840.

Section 44842.

Section 44843.

Section 44844.

Section 44845.

Section 44846.

Section 44847.

Section 44848.

Section 44849.

Section 44850.

Section 44850.1.

Section 44851.

Section 44852.

Section 44853.

Section 44854.

Section 44855.

Section 44856.

Section 44857.

Section 44858.

Section 44859.

Section 44860.

Section 44861.

Section 44862.

Section 44863.

Section 44864.

Section 44865.

Section 44866.

Section 44867.

Section 44868.

Section 44869.

Section 44870.

Section 44871.

Section 44872.

Section 44873.

Section 44874.

Section 44875.

Section 44876.

Section 44877.

Section 44878.

Section 44879.

Section 44885.5.

Section 44893.

Section 44894.

Section 44895.

Section 44896.

Section 44897.

Section 44898.

Section 44899.

Section 44900.

Section 44901.

Section 44902.1.

Section 44902.2.

Section 44903.

Section 44903.7.

Section 44907.

Section 44908.

Section 44909.

Section 44910.

Section 44911.

Section 44912.

Section 44913.

Section 44914.

Section 44915.

Section 44916.

Section 44917.

Section 44918.

Section 44919.

Section 44920.

Section 44921.

Section 44922.

Section 44923.

Section 44924.

Section 44925.

Section 44926.

Section 44927.

Section 44928.

Section 44929.