California Code
ARTICLE 5 - Programs for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Children and Court Wards and Dependents
Section 4094.7.

4094.7. (a) A community treatment facility may have both secure and nonsecure beds. However, the State Department of Health Care Services shall limit the total number of beds in community treatment facilities to not more than 400 statewide. The State Department of Health Care Services shall certify community treatment facilities in such a manner as to ensure an adequate dispersal of these facilities within the state. The State Department of Health Care Services shall ensure that there is at least one facility in each of the State Department of Social Services’ five regional licensing offices.

(b) The State Department of Health Care Services shall notify the State Department of Social Services when a facility has been certified and has met the program standards pursuant to Section 4094. The State Department of Social Services shall license a community treatment facility for a specified number of secure beds and a specified number of nonsecure beds. The number of secure and nonsecure beds in a facility shall be modified only with the approval of both the State Department of Social Services and the State Department of Health Care Services.

(c) The State Department of Health Care Services shall develop, with the advice of the State Department of Social Services, county representatives, providers, and interested parties, the criteria to be used to determine which programs among applicant providers shall be licensed. The State Department of Health Care Services shall determine which agencies best meet the criteria, certify them in accordance with Section 4094, and refer them to the State Department of Social Services for licensure.

(d) Any community treatment facility proposing to serve seriously emotionally disturbed foster children shall be incorporated as a nonprofit organization.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 439, Sec. 19. (AB 1471) Effective September 22, 2012.)