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ARTICLE 3 - Psychiatric Health Facilities and Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
Section 4080. - 4080. (a) Psychiatric health facilities, as defined in Section 1250.2...
Section 4081. - 4081. (a) (1) Psychiatric residential treatment facilities, as defined in...
Section 4082. - 4082. (a) Each new or renewal application for a psychiatric...
Section 4083. - 4083. (a) Each psychiatric residential treatment facility shall provide the...
ARTICLE 4 - Social Rehabilitation Facilities and Community Residential Treatment Programs
Section 4090. - 4090. (a) The State Department of Health Care Services shall...
Section 4091. - 4091. Nothing in Section 4090 limits the authority of the...
ARTICLE 5 - Programs for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Children and Court Wards and Dependents
Section 4094. - 4094. (a) The State Department of Mental Health shall establish,...
Section 4094.1. - 4094.1. The State Department of Health Care Services and the...
Section 4094.2. - 4094.2. (a) For the purpose of establishing payment rates for...
Section 4094.5. - 4094.5. Regulations for community treatment facilities adopted pursuant to Section...
Section 4094.6. - 4094.6. The patients’ rights provisions contained in Sections 5325, 5325.1,...
Section 4094.7. - 4094.7. (a) A community treatment facility may have both secure...
Section 4095. - 4095. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that...
Section 4096. - 4096. (a) This section governs interagency placement committees related to...
Section 4096.5. - 4096.5. (a) This section governs standards for the mental health...
Section 4096.55. - 4096.55. (a) The State Department of Social Services, in collaboration...
Section 4096.6. - 4096.6. (a) For the purpose of this section, “family-based aftercare...