California Code
CHAPTER 10 - District Plans to Attain State Ambient Air Quality Standards
Section 40920.5.

40920.5. Each district with extreme air pollution shall, to the extent necessary to meet the requirements of the plan developed pursuant to Section 40913, include the following measures in its attainment plan:

(a)  All measures required for moderate, serious, and severe areas.

(b)  A stationary source control program designed to achieve no net increase in emissions from new or modified stationary sources of nonattainment pollutants or their precursors.

(c)  Any other feasible controls that can be implemented, or for which implementation can begin, within 10 years of the adoption date of the most recent air quality plan.

(Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 777, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 1997.)