California Code
ARTICLE 1.5 - Joint Venture Program
Section 2717.6.

2717.6. (a) No contract shall be executed with a joint venture employer that will initiate employment by inmates in the same job classification as non-inmate employees of the same employer who are on strike, as defined in Section 1132.6 of the Labor Code, as it reads on January 1, 1990, or who are subject to lockout, as defined in Section 1132.8 of the Labor Code, as it reads on January 1, 1990.

(b) Total daily hours worked by inmates employed in the same job classification as non-inmate employees of the same joint venture employer who are on strike, as defined in Section 1132.6 of the Labor Code, as it reads on January 1, 1990, or who are subject to lockout, as defined in Section 1132.8 of the Labor Code, as it reads on January 1, 1990, shall not exceed, for the duration of the strike, the average daily hours worked for the preceding six months, or if the program has been in operation for less than six months, the average for the period of operation.

(c) The determination that a condition described in paragraph (b) above shall be made by the Director after notification by the union representing the workers on strike or subject to lockout. The limitation on work hours shall take effect 48 hours after receipt by the Director of written notice of the condition by the union.

(Added November 6, 1990, by initiative Proposition 139.)