California Code
ARTICLE 1.5 - Joint Venture Program
Section 2717.4.

2717.4. (a) There is hereby established within the Department of Corrections the Joint Venture Policy Advisory Board. The Joint Venture Policy Advisory Board shall consist of the Director of Corrections, who shall serve as chair, the Director of the Employment Development Department, and five members, to be appointed by the Governor, three of whom shall be public members, one of whom shall represent organized labor and one of whom shall represent industry. Five members shall constitute a quorum and a vote of the majority of the members in office shall be necessary for the transaction of the business of the board. Appointed members of the board shall be compensated at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) for each day while on official business of the board and shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses. The initial terms of the members appointed by the Governor shall be for one year (one member), two years (two members), three years (one member), and four years (one member), as determined by the Governor. After the initial term, all members shall serve for four years.

(b) The board shall advise the Director of Corrections of policies that further the purposes of the Prison Inmate Labor Initiative of 1990 to be considered in the implementation of joint venture programs.

(Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 854, Sec. 48. Effective January 1, 2002. Note: This section was added on Nov. 6, 1990, by initiative Prop. 139.)