California Code
TITLE 1.81.5 - California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018
Section 1798.199.15.

1798.199.15. Members of the agency board shall:

(a) Have qualifications, experience, and skills, in particular in the areas of privacy and technology, required to perform the duties of the agency and exercise its powers.

(b) Maintain the confidentiality of information which has come to their knowledge in the course of the performance of their tasks or exercise of their powers, except to the extent that disclosure is required by the Public Records Act.

(c) Remain free from external influence, whether direct or indirect, and shall neither seek nor take instructions from another.

(d) Refrain from any action incompatible with their duties and engaging in any incompatible occupation, whether gainful or not, during their term.

(e) Have the right of access to all information made available by the agency to the chairperson.

(f) Be precluded, for a period of one year after leaving office, from accepting employment with a business that was subject to an enforcement action or civil action under this title during the member’s tenure or during the five-year period preceding the member’s appointment.

(g) Be precluded for a period of two years after leaving office from acting, for compensation, as an agent or attorney for, or otherwise representing, any other person in a matter pending before the agency if the purpose is to influence an action of the agency.

(Added November 3, 2020, by initiative Proposition 24, Sec. 24.2. Effective December 16, 2020. Operative December 16, 2020, pursuant to Sec. 31 of Proposition 24.)