California Code
TITLE 1.81.5 - California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018
Section 1798.175.

1798.175. Conflicting Provisions

This title is intended to further the constitutional right of privacy and to supplement existing laws relating to consumers’ personal information, including, but not limited to, Chapter 22 (commencing with Section 22575) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code and Title 1.81 (commencing with Section 1798.80). The provisions of this title are not limited to information collected electronically or over the Internet, but apply to the collection and sale of all personal information collected by a business from consumers. Wherever possible, law relating to consumers’ personal information should be construed to harmonize with the provisions of this title, but in the event of a conflict between other laws and the provisions of this title, the provisions of the law that afford the greatest protection for the right of privacy for consumers shall control.

(Amended November 3, 2020, by initiative Proposition 24, Sec. 19. Effective December 16, 2020. Operative January 1, 2023, pursuant to Sec. 31 of Proposition 24.)