California Code
ARTICLE 4 - County Alcohol and Other Drug Program
Section 11814.

11814. (a) The department shall issue allocations to contracting counties for alcohol and other drug programs.

(b) In issuing allocations to contracting counties, it is the intent of the Legislature that counties shall allocate all funds received pursuant to state and federal laws and regulations.

(c) The department shall estimate an allocation of federal funds available for each county to use as the basis for submission of the contract. In making allocations, the department shall base its allocations on the population of each county. However, the department shall ensure that each small population county receives a minimum amount of funds to provide adequate alcohol and other drug services. The department may take into account other factors in making the allocations, including, but not limited to, factors that relate to the level of alcohol and other drug problems in the county. No later than 45 days after introduction of the Budget Bill, the department shall notify each county regarding its preliminary allocation under this division and estimated amount of the federally required maintenance of effort statewide expenditure levels on authorized activities, as defined in the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant funds (42 U.S.C. Sec. 300x-30), pending enactment of the Budget Bill. The 1984–85 fiscal year shall establish the base funding for the county alcohol and drug allocation for local programs. Beginning with the 1985–86 fiscal year, cost-of-living adjustments, if granted, shall be considered as tied to the base allocation established in the 1984–85 fiscal year, plus any subsequent cost-of-living adjustments. The department shall notify each county regarding its final allocation after enactment of the Budget Bill.

(d) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, the director may reduce federal funding allocations, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, to a county that has reduced or anticipates reducing expenditures in a way that would result in a decrease in the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant funds (42 U.S.C. Sec. 300x-30).

(2) Prior to making any reductions pursuant to this subdivision, the director shall notify all counties that county underspending will reduce the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant maintenance of effort (MOE). Upon receipt of notification, a county may submit a revision to the county budget initially submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 11798 in an effort to maintain the statewide Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant MOE.

(3) Pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 11798.1, a county shall notify the department in writing of proposed local changes to the county’s expenditure of funds. The department shall review and may approve the proposed local changes depending on the level of expenditures needed to maintain the statewide Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant MOE.

(e) (1) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, the department may implement, interpret, or make specific the amendments to this section made by the act that added this subdivision by means of all-county letters, plan letters, plan or provider bulletins, or similar instructions from the department until regulations are adopted pursuant to that chapter of the Government Code.

(2) The department shall adopt emergency regulations no later than July 1, 2014. The department may subsequently readopt any emergency regulation authorized by this section that is the same as or is substantially equivalent to an emergency regulation previously adopted pursuant to this section.

(3) The initial adoption of emergency regulations implementing the amendments to this section and the one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this subdivision shall be deemed an emergency and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare. Initial emergency regulations and the one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be exempt from review by the Office of Administrative Law. The initial emergency regulations and the one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for filing with the Secretary of State and each shall remain in effect for no more than 180 days, by which time final regulations may be adopted.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 36, Sec. 37. (SB 1014) Effective June 27, 2012. Operative July 1, 2012, by Sec. 83 of Ch. 36.)