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ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 11795. - 11795. (a) The board of supervisors of each county may...
Section 11796. - 11796. (a) (1) Two or more counties may jointly establish...
Section 11796.1. - 11796.1. Except as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 11812,...
Section 11797. - 11797. (a) Funds allocated to the county pursuant to this...
Section 11798. - 11798. (a) Counties that apply for funds to provide alcohol...
Section 11798.2. - 11798.2. (a) A county with an approved contract for alcohol...
Section 11798.3. - 11798.3. The department shall review each county’s contract for alcohol...
ARTICLE 2 - County Administration
Section 11800. - 11800. (a) The board of supervisors shall designate a health-related...
Section 11801. - 11801. The alcohol and drug program administrator, acting through administrative...
Section 11802. - 11802. (a) Money deposited in the county alcohol abuse education...
Section 11803. - 11803. If the county has an alcohol and other drug...
ARTICLE 3 - County Advisory Board
Section 11805. - 11805. Each county may have an advisory board on alcohol...
ARTICLE 4 - County Alcohol and Other Drug Program
Section 11810. - 11810. It is the intent of the Legislature to provide...
Section 11811. - 11811. Counties shall have broad discretion in the choice of...
Section 11811.1. - 11811.1. (a) The major purpose of prevention and early intervention...
Section 11811.3. - 11811.3. In addition to the services described in Section 11811,...
Section 11811.5. - 11811.5. To the extent the activities meet the provisions for...
Section 11811.6. - 11811.6. The department shall consult with county behavioral health directors,...
Section 11811.7. - 11811.7. Services financed under this part shall: (a) Be provided...
Section 11811.8. - 11811.8. The following costs shall not be eligible for state...
Section 11812. - 11812. The following conditions apply to county expenditures of funds...
Section 11812.6. - 11812.6. In addition to any other services authorized under this...
Section 11813. - 11813. Nothing in this part shall prohibit a county from...
Section 11814. - 11814. (a) The department shall issue allocations to contracting counties...
Section 11817.1. - 11817.1. The department may reallocate among counties any unexpended federal...
Section 11817.3. - 11817.3. (a) There shall be an appropriation from the Budget...
Section 11817.6. - 11817.6. Payments or advances of funds to counties or other...
Section 11817.8. - 11817.8. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that...
Section 11818. - 11818. (a) (1) Expenditures made by a county and a...
Section 11818.5. - 11818.5. (a) Counties shall submit a cost report reflecting the...
Section 11819.1. - 11819.1. The Legislature recognizes the need for increased potential for...