California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Actions on Policies Containing Liability Provisions
Section 11580.15.

11580.15. Subject to the approval of the Insurance Commissioner, every admitted insurer issuing or renewing motor vehicle liability policies as defined in Section 16054 or 16450 of the Vehicle Code shall, at the time of offering to issue or offering to renew any such policy, disclose to the applicant in writing as a freestanding document, which brings attention to the applicant, all discounts, if any, that are available from the insurer for that insurance and for any related insurance provided under that policy. The insurer shall disclose any discounts for good drivers, senior drivers, students, multiple cars, and any other discounts that are available from that insurer. The disclosure shall be required for personal lines of motor vehicle insurance.

Every insurer that sells insurance through licensed agents or brokers shall disclose in writing to the agents and brokers all of the discounts that are required to be disclosed to the applicant under this section, and shall require its agents and brokers to make the disclosures required by this section.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 160, Sec. 1.)