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CHAPTER 1 - Administration of Federal Programs State Board of Education
ARTICLE 1 - Allocation of Federal Funds and Federal Tax Credit Bond Volume Cap
Section 12000. - 12000. (a) If, by any act of Congress, funds are...
Section 12001. - 12001. The state board shall adopt rules and regulations for...
Section 12001.5. - 12001.5. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the...
Section 12001.6. - 12001.6. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the...
Section 12001.7. - 12001.7. Notwithstanding any other law, if a charter school applies...
Section 12002. - 12002. There is hereby created in the State Treasury the...
ARTICLE 2 - General Authority
Section 12010. - 12010. Whenever by the provisions of any act of Congress...
Section 12011. - 12011. (a) The Superintendent of Public Instruction may apply to...
ARTICLE 3 - Emergency School Construction and Federal Impact Aid
Section 12020. - 12020. The State Board of Education is designated as the...
ARTICLE 4 - Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and National Defense Education Act of 1958
Section 12030. - 12030. The people of the State of California accept the...
Section 12031. - 12031. In accepting the benefits of these acts of Congress,...
Section 12032. - 12032. The state board is designated as the state educational...
Section 12033. - 12033. The State Treasurer is designated as the custodian of...
Section 12034. - 12034. The funds received by the state under the provisions...
Section 12035. - 12035. The president or the administrative head of each community...
Section 12036. - 12036. It is in the interests of the state and...
ARTICLE 5 - Vocational Education Acts
Section 12050. - 12050. The people of the state accept the provisions of,...
Section 12052. - 12052. In accepting the benefits of the acts of Congress...
Section 12053. - 12053. (a) The State Board of Education is designated the...
Section 12054. - 12054. For the purpose of implementing the program set forth...
Section 12055. - 12055. The Vocational Education Federal Fund in the State Treasury...
Section 12056. - 12056. The State Treasurer, as required by the federal acts...
Section 12057. - 12057. The State Treasurer shall also receive and provide for...
Section 12058. - 12058. All funds appropriated by the state for vocational education...
Section 12059. - 12059. All money in the Vocational Education Federal Fund is...
Section 12060. - 12060. The Director of Finance and the State Controller may...
ARTICLE 6 - Veterans Education
Section 12090. - 12090. Subject to the provisions of this article, the State...
Section 12091. - 12091. The Director of Education is vested with all necessary...
Section 12092. - 12092. The Department of Education through the Director of Education...
Section 12093. - 12093. The governing board of any school district which entered...
Section 12094. - 12094. The Department of Education shall exercise general supervision over,...
Section 12095. - 12095. The provisions of Sections 12020, 12220, and 12300 to...
ARTICLE 7 - Surplus Federal Property
Section 12110. - 12110. The State Department of Education is hereby designated as...
Section 12111. - 12111. The California State Agency for Donated Food Distribution is...
Section 12112. - 12112. Whenever by any act of Congress or any rule...
Section 12113. - 12113. (1) The California State Agency for Donated Food Distribution...
Section 12114. - 12114. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any party receiving...
Section 12115. - 12115. There is hereby created in the State Treasury the...
Section 12116. - 12116. The California State Agency for Donated Food Distribution may...
Section 12117. - 12117. (a) The State Agency for Donated Food Distribution may,...
ARTICLE 8 - Libraries
Section 12130. - 12130. The California State Library is hereby named and designated...
ARTICLE 9 - Review of Federal Fund Expenditures
Section 12140. - 12140. It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting...
Section 12141. - 12141. (a) Commencing with the 1979–80 fiscal year and each...
Section 12142. - 12142. (a) Commencing with the 1979–80 fiscal year and each...
Section 12143. - 12143. The department shall submit to the Legislature, the Legislative...
CHAPTER 2 - Administration of Federal Programs Board of Governors
ARTICLE 1 - Programs Prior to 967
Section 12200. - 12200. The State Board of Education is vested with all...
ARTICLE 3 - General Authority
Section 12220. - 12220. Whenever by the provisions of any act of Congress...
CHAPTER 3 - Administration of Federal Programs Other Agencies
ARTICLE 1 - State Allocation Board
Section 12300. - 12300. Notwithstanding any provisions of Section 12020, 12220, and 12300...
Section 12301. - 12301. The State Treasurer is designated as the custodian of...
Section 12302. - 12302. The funds received by the state under Sections 12020,...
Section 12303. - 12303. The assent of the state is given to the...
Section 12304. - 12304. All money derived from bonuses, royalties, and rentals under...
Section 12305. - 12305. The money shall be apportioned among the school districts...
Section 12306. - 12306. If any potash deposit or lease or any part...
Section 12306.5. - 12306.5. Notwithstanding any other provision in this article or Section...
Section 12307. - 12307. The payments shall be deposited in the general fund...
ARTICLE 2 - State Treasurer
Section 12320. - 12320. The assent of the state is given to the...
CHAPTER 4 - Participation in Federal Programs
Section 12400. - 12400. The governing board of a school district on behalf...
Section 12401. - 12401. To the extent permitted by, and pursuant to, federal...
Section 12402. - 12402. The governing board of a school district, on behalf...
Section 12403. - 12403. All acts or proceedings heretofore taken, in connection with...
Section 12405. - 12405. The governing board of any school district is authorized...
CHAPTER 5 - Interstate Agreements
ARTICLE 1 - Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel
Section 12500. - 12500. The Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel is...
Section 12501. - 12501. The “designated state official” for this state shall be...
ARTICLE 2 - Compact for Education
Section 12510. - 12510. The Compact for Education is hereby entered into with...
Section 12511. - 12511. Pursuant to subdivision (i) of Article III of the...
Section 12512. - 12512. The Member of the Assembly who shall serve upon...
Section 12513. - 12513. At the same time as the report rendered to...
Section 12514. - 12514. The members of the California delegation to the Educational...
Section 12515. - 12515. Notwithstanding any provisions of the Compact for Education set...
Section 12515.5. - 12515.5. For the 1981–82 fiscal year and each fiscal year...