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Section 12300. - 12300. Notwithstanding any provisions of Section 12020, 12220, and 12300...
Section 12301. - 12301. The State Treasurer is designated as the custodian of...
Section 12302. - 12302. The funds received by the state under Sections 12020,...
Section 12303. - 12303. The assent of the state is given to the...
Section 12304. - 12304. All money derived from bonuses, royalties, and rentals under...
Section 12305. - 12305. The money shall be apportioned among the school districts...
Section 12306. - 12306. If any potash deposit or lease or any part...
Section 12306.5. - 12306.5. Notwithstanding any other provision in this article or Section...
Section 12307. - 12307. The payments shall be deposited in the general fund...