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CHAPTER 1 - Title of Act and Policy
Section 100000. - 100000. This part shall be known and may be cited...
Section 100001. - 100001. It is necessary that a transit district be established...
Section 100001.5. - 100001.5. The Legislature hereby finds and declares: (a) Since the...
Section 100002. - 100002. The Santa Clara County Transit District is renamed the...
CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
Section 100010. - 100010. Unless the context otherwise requires, the provisions of this...
Section 100011. - 100011. “VTA” means the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. (Amended...
Section 100012. - 100012. “Transit” means the transportation of passengers and their incidental...
Section 100013. - 100013. “Transit works” or “transit facilities” means any or all...
Section 100014. - 100014. “Board of directors” and “board” means the board of...
Section 100014.1. - 100014.1. “Director” means a member of the board of directors...
Section 100015. - 100015. “County” means the County of Santa Clara. (Added by...
Section 100016. - 100016. “Public agency” includes the State of California, and any...
Section 100017. - 100017. “System” means all transit works and transit facilities owned...
Section 100018. - 100018. “Revenues” means all rates, fares, tolls, rentals, or other...
Section 100019. - 100019. “Person” includes any individual, firm, copartnership, association, corporation, trust,...
Section 100020. - 100020. “Establish” includes establish, construct, complete, acquire, extend, or reroute....
Section 100021. - 100021. “Existing system” means any transit service or system of...
Section 100022. - 100022. “Transportation works” or “transportation facilities” means any or all...
CHAPTER 3 - Formation of District
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 100030. - 100030. The Legislature recognizes the formation of the Santa Clara...
Section 100031. - 100031. The boundaries of the VTA shall include all incorporated...
CHAPTER 3.5 - Existing Systems
Section 100055. - 100055. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, before the...
Section 100055.1. - 100055.1. The VTA shall not establish the proposed service or...
Section 100055.2. - 100055.2. Subject to Section 100351, the purchase price to be...
Section 100055.3. - 100055.3. The VTA and public utility operating the existing system...
Section 100055.4. - 100055.4. Section 851 does not apply to any contract for...
CHAPTER 4 - Government of VTA
ARTICLE 1 - Board of Directors
Section 100060. - 100060. (a) The government of the VTA shall be vested...
Section 100060.2. - 100060.2. Except as otherwise provided, the term of office for...
Section 100061. - 100061. The board of directors shall annually elect a chairperson...
Section 100062. - 100062. The board shall establish rules for its proceedings. A...
Section 100062.1. - 100062.1. (a) No ordinance, except an urgency ordinance, shall be...
Section 100063. - 100063. The board may fix the amount of compensation to...
ARTICLE 2 - Powers and Duties of Board of Directors
Section 100070. - 100070. The board of directors is the legislative body of...
Section 100071. - 100071. It shall be the duty of the board of...
ARTICLE 3 - Advisory Commission
Section 100080. - 100080. The board of directors shall establish at least one...
Section 100082. - 100082. The advisory committees shall provide advice to the board...
ARTICLE 4 - Officers
Section 100090. - 100090. The officers of the VTA shall consist of the...
Section 100091. - 100091. The secretary and those assistants that the board designates...
ARTICLE 5 - General Manager
Section 100100. - 100100. The power and duties of the general manager are...
CHAPTER 5 - Powers and Functions of VTA
ARTICLE 1 - Corporate Power
Section 100110. - 100110. The VTA has perpetual succession and may adopt a...
Section 100111. - 100111. The VTA may sue and be sued, except as...
Section 100112. - 100112. All claims for money or damages against the VTA...
Section 100113. - 100113. (a) The VTA shall not levy any tax pursuant...
Section 100114. - 100114. Except as otherwise provided in this part, VTA elections...
Section 100115. - 100115. The VTA may exercise any and all powers granted...
Section 100115.5. - 100115.5. (a) The VTA may administer and implement any adopted...
ARTICLE 2 - Contracts
Section 100120. - 100120. The VTA may make contracts and enter into stipulations...
Section 100121. - 100121. The VTA may contract with any department or agency...
Section 100124. - 100124. The VTA may insure against any accident or destruction...
Section 100125. - 100125. The VTA may contract for the services of independent...
Section 100126. - 100126. The Santa Clara County Transit District, which was established...
ARTICLE 3 - Property
Section 100130. - 100130. The VTA may take by grant, purchase, devise, or...
Section 100130.5. - 100130.5. (a) The VTA may take by gift, or take...
Section 100131. - 100131. (a) The VTA may exercise the right of eminent...
Section 100132. - 100132. The Public Utilities Commission of the state shall have...
Section 100133. - 100133. The VTA is entitled to the benefit of any...
ARTICLE 4 - Construction Manager/General Contractor Project Delivery Contracts
Section 100150. - 100150. For purposes of this article, the following terms shall...
Section 100151. - 100151. (a) Subject to the limitations of this article, the...
Section 100152. - 100152. Any public works project that is contracted for pursuant...
Section 100153. - 100153. (a) If a contract for CMGC services is entered...
Section 100154. - 100154. Nothing in this article affects, expands, alters, or limits...
Section 100155. - 100155. (a) Upon completion of a project using the CMGC...
Section 100156. - 100156. (a) The provisions of this article are severable. If...
ARTICLE 4.5 - Job Order Contracting
Section 100157. - 100157. For purposes of this article, the following definitions apply:...
Section 100157.5. - 100157.5. (a) The VTA may enter into a job order...
Section 100157.7. - 100157.7. (a) (1) If the VTA acts pursuant to the...
Section 100157.9. - 100157.9. This article shall remain in effect only until January...
ARTICLE 5 - Transit Facilities and Service
Section 100160. - 100160. The VTA may provide transit service for the transportation...
Section 100160.1. - 100160.1. The VTA may provide facilities, including streets and highways,...
Section 100160.2. - 100160.2. The VTA may enter into agreements with any city...
Section 100160.5. - 100160.5. The VTA may operate charter bus service subject to...
Section 100161. - 100161. (a) The VTA may acquire, construct, own, operate, control,...
Section 100162. - 100162. The VTA may lease or contract for the use...
Section 100163. - 100163. The board may contract with any public agency or...
Section 100164. - 100164. (a) The VTA may construct and operate or acquire...
Section 100165. - 100165. The VTA may enter into agreements for the joint...
Section 100166. - 100166. The rates and charges, if any, for transit service...
Section 100167. - 100167. The VTA shall be subject to the provisions of...
Section 100168. - 100168. The VTA shall be subject to the regulations of...
Section 100169. - 100169. The VTA and any one or more school districts...
ARTICLE 6 - Public Grants, Loans and Contributions
Section 100170. - 100170. The VTA may accept, without limitation by any other...
Section 100171. - 100171. The VTA may obtain temporary transfers of funds in...
ARTICLE 9 - Retail Transaction and Use Tax
Section 100250. - 100250. A retail transactions and use tax ordinance may be...
Section 100251. - 100251. Any transactions and use tax ordinance adopted shall be...
Section 100252. - 100252. The VTA may contract with the State Board of...
Section 100253. - 100253. Prior to the operative date of the transaction and...
Section 100254. - 100254. If the VTA shall not have contracted with the...
Section 100255. - 100255. Repeal of the transactions and use tax ordinance shall...
Section 100256. - 100256. Whenever a bond election is held to authorize a...
CHAPTER 6 - Personnel
ARTICLE 1 - Employee Relations
Section 100300. - 100300. Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form,...
Section 100301. - 100301. Any question which may arise with respect to whether...
Section 100302. - 100302. Whenever a majority of the employees employed by the...
Section 100303. - 100303. (a) A contract or agreement shall not be made...
Section 100304. - 100304. If, after a reasonable period of time, representatives of...
Section 100305. - 100305. If, after a reasonable period of time, representatives of...
Section 100307. - 100307. (a) Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 3500) of Division...
Section 100308. - 100308. County employees and employees of the Santa Clara County...
Section 100309. - 100309. (a) It is a primary purpose of this article...
Section 100310. - 100310. (a) This article shall not displace or supplant the...
Section 100311. - 100311. The VTA shall give reasonable written notice to an...
ARTICLE 2 - Rights of Employees of Existing Facilities
Section 100350. - 100350. (a) Whenever the VTA acquires existing facilities from a...
Section 100351. - 100351. Whenever the VTA acquires existing facilities from a publicly...
ARTICLE 3 - Pension Plan
Section 100370. - 100370. The board may establish a retirement system for the...
Section 100371. - 100371. The board may contract with the board of administration...
Section 100372. - 100372. All persons receiving pension benefits from an acquired public...
ARTICLE 4 - Other Benefits
Section 100380. - 100380. The VTA shall take the steps as may be...
Section 100381. - 100381. The VTA shall take the steps as may be...
CHAPTER 7 - Bonds and Other Evidences of Indebtedness
ARTICLE 1 - Authorization and Issuance of General Obligation Bonds
Section 100400. - 100400. Whenever the board deems it necessary for the VTA...
Section 100401. - 100401. Notice of holding of the election shall be given...
Section 100402. - 100402. If any proposition is defeated by the electors, the...
Section 100403. - 100403. If a majority of the electors voting on the...
Section 100404. - 100404. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or...
Section 100405. - 100405. The bonds may be sold as the board determines...
Section 100406. - 100406. Delivery of any bonds may be made at any...
Section 100407. - 100407. All accrued interest and premiums received on the sale...
Section 100408. - 100408. After the expiration of three years after a bond...
Section 100409. - 100409. Whenever the board deems that the expenditure of money...
Section 100410. - 100410. The board may provide for the issuance, sale, or...
Section 100411. - 100411. The provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 53500)...
Section 100412. - 100412. Any bonds which shall be issued under the provisions...
Section 100413. - 100413. If bonds are authorized that contain a provision for...
ARTICLE 2 - Revenue Bonds
Section 100450. - 100450. The VTA may issue bonds, payable from revenue of...
Section 100451. - 100451. The VTA is a local agency within the meaning...
ARTICLE 3 - Equipment Trust Certificates
Section 100460. - 100460. The VTA shall have power to purchase transit equipment...
Section 100461. - 100461. The agreement to purchase or lease may direct the...
Section 100462. - 100462. The agreements and leases shall be duly acknowledged before...
Section 100463. - 100463. The covenants, conditions, and provisions of the agreements, leases,...
ARTICLE 4 - Improvement Acts and Special Benefit Districts
Section 100470. - 100470. The Improvement Act of 1911, the Municipal Improvement Act...
Section 100471. - 100471. The provisions of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 99000)...
ARTICLE 5 - Temporary Borrowing
Section 100482. - 100482. The VTA may borrow money in accordance with the...
Section 100483. - 100483. The VTA may borrow money in anticipation of the...
ARTICLE 6 - Miscellaneous
Section 100490. - 100490. The VTA may bring an action to determine the...
Section 100491. - 100491. All bonds and other evidences of indebtedness issued by...
Section 100492. - 100492. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this part or any...
CHAPTER 8 - Dissolution
Section 100500. - 100500. The VTA may be dissolved pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg...
CHAPTER 9 - Benefit Assessment Districts
Section 100600. - 100600. The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) It is...
Section 100601. - 100601. (a) Whenever the board finds that property adjacent to,...
Section 100601.5. - 100601.5. (a) The resolution shall state, as appropriate, the maximum...
Section 100602. - 100602. (a) In determining the amount of a special benefit...
Section 100602.4. - 100602.4. (a) Where any parcel in the benefit district is...
Section 100602.8. - 100602.8. If there is no majority protest to the imposition...
Section 100602.9. - 100602.9. (a) Any owner or owners of real property, which...
Section 100602.10. - 100602.10. Notice of each hearing upon the petition for exclusion...
Section 100602.11. - 100602.11. At the time and place provided in the notice...
Section 100602.12. - 100602.12. The expenses of giving the notice provided for herein...
Section 100602.13. - 100602.13. Upon the hearing on an exclusion or reduction petition...
Section 100602.14. - 100602.14. The board, after the hearing on an exclusion or...
Section 100603. - 100603. (a) Following formation of the benefit district or concurrently...
Section 100604. - 100604. At the time and place fixed for the hearing...
Section 100605. - 100605. (a) Special benefit assessments for the payment of the...
Section 100606. - 100606. (a) The bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall...
Section 100607. - 100607. The bonds issued pursuant to this chapter may be...
Section 100608. - 100608. Delivery of any bonds issued under this chapter may...
Section 100609. - 100609. (a) All accrued interest and premiums received on the...
Section 100610. - 100610. (a) The board may provide for the issuance, sale,...
Section 100611. - 100611. Any bonds issued under this chapter are legal investment...
Section 100612. - 100612. The board may change the purposes for which any...
Section 100613. - 100613. (a) The board shall not change the purposes, the...
Section 100614. - 100614. At the time and place fixed for a hearing...
Section 100615. - 100615. All decisions and determinations of the board, upon notice...
Section 100616. - 100616. Any action or proceeding which contests, questions, or denies...
Section 100617. - 100617. When the board has imposed a special benefit assessment,...
Section 100618. - 100618. In the event of conflict with any other law,...
Section 100619. - 100619. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the VTA...