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Section 100300. - 100300. Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form,...
Section 100301. - 100301. Any question which may arise with respect to whether...
Section 100302. - 100302. Whenever a majority of the employees employed by the...
Section 100303. - 100303. (a) A contract or agreement shall not be made...
Section 100304. - 100304. If, after a reasonable period of time, representatives of...
Section 100305. - 100305. If, after a reasonable period of time, representatives of...
Section 100307. - 100307. (a) Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 3500) of Division...
Section 100308. - 100308. County employees and employees of the Santa Clara County...
Section 100309. - 100309. (a) It is a primary purpose of this article...
Section 100310. - 100310. (a) This article shall not displace or supplant the...
Section 100311. - 100311. The VTA shall give reasonable written notice to an...