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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
ARTICLE 1 - Definitions
Section 98000. - 98000. This part shall be known and cited as the...
Section 98001. - 98001. Unless the context otherwise requires, the provisions of this...
Section 98002. - 98002. “District” means the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District formed...
Section 98003. - 98003. “Board” means the board of directors of this district....
Section 98004. - 98004. “Voter” means any elector who is registered under the...
Section 98005. - 98005. “Transit” means the transportation of passengers only and their...
Section 98006. - 98006. “Transit works” or “transit facilities” means all real and...
Section 98007. - 98007. “Officer” means the general manager and the directors on...
ARTICLE 2 - General Provisions
Section 98010. - 98010. It is necessary that a transit district be established...
Section 98011. - 98011. The Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit System may be created...
Section 98012. - 98012. Except as otherwise provided in this part elections shall...
Section 98013. - 98013. Except as otherwise provided in this part all ordinances...
Section 98014. - 98014. Whenever the signature of any officer or employee of...
CHAPTER 2 - Formation of District
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 98020. - 98020. The County of Santa Cruz may organize and incorporate...
Section 98021. - 98021. The request for the formation of the Santa Cruz...
Section 98022. - 98022. The district may include incorporated and unincorporated territory within...
ARTICLE 2 - Request by Resolution
Section 98030. - 98030. The Board of Supervisors for the County of Santa...
Section 98031. - 98031. The resolution may state the transit facilities proposed to...
Section 98032. - 98032. Certified copies of the resolution shall be presented to...
ARTICLE 3 - Request by Petition
Section 98040. - 98040. Instead of a resolution, a petition may be presented...
Section 98041. - 98041. The petition shall contain substantially the same declarations and...
Section 98042. - 98042. The petition may be on separate papers, but each...
Section 98043. - 98043. The County Elections Official of the County of Santa...
ARTICLE 4 - Election
Section 98050. - 98050. Upon adoption of the resolution or of a sufficient...
Section 98051. - 98051. The board of supervisors shall submit the boundaries for...
Section 98052. - 98052. Upon conclusion of the board of supervisors’ hearing and...
Section 98053. - 98053. Prior to calling the election, the board of supervisors...
Section 98053.5. - 98053.5. The election shall be held not less than 60...
Section 98054. - 98054. The election shall be called by publishing notice calling...
Section 98055. - 98055. The ballot for the election shall contain such instructions...
Section 98056. - 98056. No person shall be entitled to vote at the...
Section 98057. - 98057. The election may be held on the same day...
Section 98058. - 98058. The board of supervisors shall meet on the Tuesday...
Section 98059. - 98059. The board of supervisors shall make all provisions for...
Section 98060. - 98060. If any special election is held exclusively on the...
ARTICLE 5 - Establishment of the District
Section 98070. - 98070. If a majority of the electors voting on the...
ARTICLE 6 - Contest of Incorporation
Section 98080. - 98080. No informality in any proceeding or in the conduct...
CHAPTER 3 - Internal Organization of District
ARTICLE 1 - Government
Section 98100. - 98100. The district shall be governed by a board of...
Section 98101. - 98101. The appointees to the board made by the several...
Section 98102. - 98102. These appointments shall be made within 30 days after...
Section 98103. - 98103. A person shall not be appointed to, or be...
Section 98104. - 98104. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the...
Section 98105. - 98105. The first meeting of the board shall be held...
Section 98106. - 98106. The board shall select one of its members chairman,...
ARTICLE 2 - Powers and Duties of Directors
Section 98110. - 98110. The chairman is the presiding officer of the board....
Section 98111. - 98111. All matters and things necessary for the proper administration...
Section 98112. - 98112. The board shall supervise and regulate every transit facility...
Section 98113. - 98113. The board may either operate the transit system itself...
Section 98114. - 98114. The board may adopt a personnel system for the...
Section 98115. - 98115. The board may from time to time contract for...
Section 98116. - 98116. The board shall have an annual audit of all...
Section 98117. - 98117. The board may provide by resolution, under such terms...
Section 98118. - 98118. To facilitate the business of the district, the board...
Section 98119. - 98119. None of the territory which is within the district...
ARTICLE 3 - Meetings and Legislation
Section 98130. - 98130. All meetings of the board shall be conducted in...
Section 98131. - 98131. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for...
Section 98132. - 98132. The board shall establish rules for its proceedings and...
Section 98133. - 98133. The acts of the board shall be expressed by...
Section 98134. - 98134. All ordinances shall be printed after passage, and maintained...
Section 98135. - 98135. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be as...
ARTICLE 4 - Other Offices
Section 98140. - 98140. The board may, by an affimative vote of the...
Section 98141. - 98141. The general manager may be removed by the board...
Section 98142. - 98142. The oath of all appointive officers of the district...
Section 98143. - 98143. Each appointive officer shall give such bond and in...
Section 98144. - 98144. The board shall establish by resolution the powers and...
Section 98145. - 98145. The general manager shall prepare, within 90 days from...
Section 98146. - 98146. At least 30 days prior to the end of...
Section 98147. - 98147. The general manager shall provide for the custody of...
Section 98148. - 98148. With the consent of the board, the general manager...
Section 98149. - 98149. The board may appoint a regular attorney who shall...
CHAPTER 4 - Labor Provisions
Section 98160. - 98160. For purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 98160.5. - 98160.5. (a) It is a primary purpose of this chapter...
Section 98160.7. - 98160.7. Appointments and promotions in the service of the transit...
Section 98161. - 98161. (a) All individuals shall have equal opportunity to obtain...
Section 98162. - 98162. (a) All employees of the district are to be...
Section 98162.5. - 98162.5. (a) Any question that may arise with respect to...
Section 98163. - 98163. Whenever any district acquires existing facilities from a publicly...
Section 98164. - 98164. Whenever any district acquires existing facilities from a publicly...
Section 98165. - 98165. All persons receiving pension benefits from such acquired public...
Section 98166. - 98166. (a) Notwithstanding the Government Code, the board may authorize...
Section 98167. - 98167. (a) The obligation of the district is to bargain...
Section 98168. - 98168. (a) The district shall not require any employee, who...
Section 98169. - 98169. It is unlawful for the district to do any...
Section 98170. - 98170. It is unlawful for an employee organization to do...
Section 98171. - 98171. (a) This chapter shall not displace, or supplant, the...
Section 98172. - 98172. (a) Any charging party, respondent, or intervenor aggrieved by...
Section 98173. - 98173. This chapter, as amended by the act adding this...
Section 98174. - 98174. Chapter 11.5 (commencing with Section 3555) of Division 4...
CHAPTER 5 - Retirement System
ARTICLE 1 - Establishment
Section 98180. - 98180. The board may establish a retirement system for the...
Section 98181. - 98181. The district may maintain its own retirement fund or...
Section 98182. - 98182. Before establishing any retirement system the board shall secure...
Section 98183. - 98183. The board may adopt all ordinances and resolutions and...
Section 98184. - 98184. Nothing in this chapter prevents the district from participation...
Section 98185. - 98185. The board may classify and determine the officers and...
ARTICLE 2 - Benefits and Contributions
Section 98190. - 98190. The board may prescribe the terms and conditions upon...
Section 98191. - 98191. The retirement allowance may be predicated in part upon...
Section 98192. - 98192. The board shall provide that both the district and...
Section 98193. - 98193. All members of the retirement system shall contribute in...
Section 98194. - 98194. Liabilities accruing under the retirement system because of benefits...
Section 98195. - 98195. If any member withdraws from the retirement system prior...
Section 98196. - 98196. All money received by any person as an annuity,...
ARTICLE 3 - Retirement Board
Section 98200. - 98200. The board may create a retirement board of not...
Section 98201. - 98201. All members of the retirement board shall serve without...
Section 98202. - 98202. The retirement board shall determine the eligibility of officers,...
Section 98203. - 98203. If the district maintains its own retirement fund the...
ARTICLE 4 - Investigation and Penalties
Section 98204. - 98204. At least once in each four-year period after the...
Section 98205. - 98205. Except as herein provided, no member of the board...
CHAPTER 6 - Powers and Functions of District
ARTICLE 1 - Corporate Power
Section 98210. - 98210. The district has perpetual succession and may adopt a...
Section 98211. - 98211. The district may sue and be sued, except as...
Section 98212. - 98212. The district may exercise the right of eminent domain...
Section 98213. - 98213. No action in eminent domain to acquire property or...
Section 98214. - 98214. No such taking or acquisition by the district which...
ARTICLE 2 - Contracts
Section 98220. - 98220. The district may make contracts and enter into stipulations...
Section 98221. - 98221. No officer or employee of the district shall in...
ARTICLE 4 - Property
Section 98233. - 98233. The district may take by grant, purchase, gift, devise...
Section 98234. - 98234. Whenever the board by resolution determines that any record,...
ARTICLE 5 - Transit Facilities and Service
Section 98240. - 98240. The district may acquire, construct, own, operate, control or...
Section 98241. - 98241. The district may without limitation by any other provisions...
Section 98242. - 98242. The district shall not interfere with or exercise any...
Section 98243. - 98243. The district may lease or contract for the use...
Section 98244. - 98244. The district may construct and operate or acquire and...
Section 98245. - 98245. The district may enter into agreements for the joint...
Section 98246. - 98246. The rates and charges for service furnished pursuant to...
Section 98247. - 98247. The board of supervisors or the city council of...
Section 98248. - 98248. Upon the filing of a request for hearing as...
Section 98249. - 98249. At the time fixed for any hearing before the...
Section 98250. - 98250. Within 30 days after submission of the case, the...
Section 98251. - 98251. The district shall be subject to the provisions of...
ARTICLE 6 - Indebtedness
Section 98260. - 98260. The district may borrow money for the purpose of...
Section 98262. - 98262. The district shall not incur an indebtedness under Chapter...
Section 98263. - 98263. The district may accept, without limitation by any other...
ARTICLE 7 - Investments
Section 98270. - 98270. The district may invest any surplus money in its...
ARTICLE 8 - Property Taxation
Section 98280. - 98280. The district may levy, and collect or cause to...
Section 98280.5. - 98280.5. If, in the opinion of the board, the transit...
Section 98281. - 98281. The board shall, as part of the general tax...
Section 98282. - 98282. The board may provide for the assessment, levy, and...
Section 98283. - 98283. The board shall avail itself of the assessments made...
Section 98284. - 98284. In such case the county auditor shall, on or...
Section 98285. - 98285. The board shall on or before the first day...
Section 98286. - 98286. The board shall immediately after fixing the rate of...
Section 98287. - 98287. The district’s taxes so levied shall be collected at...
Section 98288. - 98288. Whenever any real property has been sold for taxes...
Section 98289. - 98289. The compensation to be charged by and paid to...
Section 98289.3. - 98289.3. All taxes levied under this article are a lien...
Section 98289.5. - 98289.5. (a) On and after the operative date of the...
ARTICLE 8.5 - Retail Transactions and Use Tax
Section 98290. - 98290. (a) A retail transactions and use tax ordinance may...
Section 98291. - 98291. Any transactions and use tax ordinance adopted shall be...
Section 98292. - 98292. The district may contract with the State Board of...
Section 98293. - 98293. Prior to the operative date of the transactions and...
Section 98294. - 98294. If the district shall not have contracted with the...
Section 98295. - 98295. Repeal of the transactions and use tax ordinance shall...
Section 98296. - 98296. Whenever a bond election is held to authorize a...
CHAPTER 6.5 - Existing Systems
Section 98300. - 98300. As used in this chapter: (a) “Establish” includes establish,...
Section 98301. - 98301. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, before the...
Section 98302. - 98302. The district shall not establish the proposed service or...
Section 98303. - 98303. The purchase price to be paid for the existing...
Section 98304. - 98304. The district and the public utility operating the existing...
Section 98305. - 98305. Section 851 of the Public Utilities Code does not...
CHAPTER 7 - Bonds
ARTICLE 1 - Issuance
Section 98310. - 98310. The district may from time to time incur a...
Section 98311. - 98311. Whenever the board by resolution passed by vote of...
Section 98312. - 98312. The ordinance calling a special bond election shall fix...
Section 98313. - 98313. Propositions for incurring indebtedness for more than one object...
Section 98314. - 98314. Any special bond election may be held separately, or...
Section 98315. - 98315. The ordinance shall be published, and no other notice...
Section 98316. - 98316. The board shall comply with Article 3, (commencing with...
Section 98317. - 98317. The votes of two-thirds (2/3) of all voters voting...
Section 98318. - 98318. If the proposition submitted at a special bond election...
ARTICLE 2 - Form and Content
Section 98330. - 98330. Bonds authorized by this chapter shall mature serially in...
Section 98331. - 98331. The board may divide any issue of bonds authorized...
Section 98332. - 98332. Pending the actual issuance or delivery of bonds, a...
Section 98333. - 98333. The bonds shall be issued in such denominations as...
Section 98334. - 98334. The board may at any time prior to the...
Section 98335. - 98335. The bonds shall be signed by the chairman of...
ARTICLE 3 - Issue and Sale
Section 98340. - 98340. The bonds may be issued and sold for not...
Section 98341. - 98341. All premiums and accrued interest received on the sale...
Section 98342. - 98342. In lieu of the immediate levy of a tax...
ARTICLE 4 - Refunding
Section 98350. - 98350. Whenever the board by resolution passed by a vote...
Section 98351. - 98351. The issuance of refunding bonds shall not be construed...
Section 98352. - 98352. Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of this chapter...
Section 98353. - 98353. Refunding bonds shall bear interest at a rate not...
Section 98354. - 98354. The proceeds of the sale of refunding bonds shall...
Section 98355. - 98355. In lieu of selling refunding bonds and using the...
Section 98356. - 98356. Wherever outstanding bonds are refunded they shall be surrendered...
ARTICLE 5 - Status as Investments
Section 98360. - 98360. All bonds including refunding bonds issued by a district...
Section 98361. - 98361. All bonds of the district, to the same extent...
ARTICLE 6 - Validation
Section 98370. - 98370. An action to determine validity of bonds, including refunding...
ARTICLE 7 - Revenue Bonds
Section 98380. - 98380. As an alternative procedure for the raising of funds,...
Section 98381. - 98381. The district is a local agency within the meaning...
CHAPTER 8 - Annexation
Section 98390. - 98390. Territory may be annexed to the district in the...
Section 98391. - 98391. Whenever the board finds and determines that additional territory...
Section 98392. - 98392. The resolution shall be passed by a vote of...
Section 98393. - 98393. The resolution, together with the names of the members...
Section 98394. - 98394. On the day fixed for hearing or any day...
Section 98395. - 98395. After making all necessary and proper changes in the...
Section 98396. - 98396. Whenever any territory is annexed to the district it...
CHAPTER 9 - Exclusion
Section 98397. - 98397. Territory within the district may be excluded from the...
Section 98398. - 98398. After the petition is filed with the board of...
Section 98399. - 98399. On the day fixed for the hearing, or any...
CHAPTER 10 - Dissolution
Section 98400. - 98400. The board may call an election any time for...
Section 98401. - 98401. The election for the purpose of submitting to the...
Section 98402. - 98402. Notice of any election for dissolution, whether called because...
Section 98403. - 98403. The ballots for the election shall contain substantially the...
Section 98404. - 98404. The board shall canvass the vote. If a majority...
Section 98405. - 98405. The board shall file a certified copy of the...
Section 98406. - 98406. Upon dissolution the right, title and interest to property...
Section 98407. - 98407. The board of supervisors is, ex officio, the governing...