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Section 98140. - 98140. The board may, by an affimative vote of the...
Section 98141. - 98141. The general manager may be removed by the board...
Section 98142. - 98142. The oath of all appointive officers of the district...
Section 98143. - 98143. Each appointive officer shall give such bond and in...
Section 98144. - 98144. The board shall establish by resolution the powers and...
Section 98145. - 98145. The general manager shall prepare, within 90 days from...
Section 98146. - 98146. At least 30 days prior to the end of...
Section 98147. - 98147. The general manager shall provide for the custody of...
Section 98148. - 98148. With the consent of the board, the general manager...
Section 98149. - 98149. The board may appoint a regular attorney who shall...