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Section 1923. - 1923. For purposes of this chapter, “reverse mortgage” means a...
Section 1923.2. - 1923.2. A reverse mortgage loan shall comply with all of...
Section 1923.3. - 1923.3. A reverse mortgage shall constitute a lien against the...
Section 1923.4. - 1923.4. For the purposes of this chapter, a property shall...
Section 1923.5. - 1923.5. (a) No reverse mortgage loan application shall be taken...
Section 1923.6. - 1923.6. The lender shall be presumed to have satisfied any...
Section 1923.7. - 1923.7. No arrangement, transfer, or lien subject to this chapter...
Section 1923.9. - 1923.9. (a) To the extent that implementation of this section...
Section 1923.10. - 1923.10. This chapter shall only apply to those reverse mortgage...