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ARTICLE 1 - Applications for Purchase of Lands
Section 7705. - 7705. No application for the purchase of state lands shall...
Section 7706. - 7706. Each application for lands shall be accompanied by a...
ARTICLE 2 - Payments, Certificates of Purchase, and Patents
Section 7723. - 7723. Certificates of purchase, and all rights acquired thereunder, are...
Section 7724. - 7724. All such sales shall, when the deed or assignment...
Section 7725. - 7725. The recorder is entitled to receive from the purchaser,...
Section 7729. - 7729. Whenever a person becomes entitled to a patent, the...
Section 7730. - 7730. The patent or deed shall then be signed by...
Section 7731. - 7731. No patent shall issue until the lands are relinquished...
Section 7732. - 7732. The commission shall record all patents in books to...
Section 7733. - 7733. Where a patent for lands is issued in the...
ARTICLE 6 - Contests
Section 7921. - 7921. When a contest arises before the commission concerning the...
Section 7922. - 7922. After such order is made, either party may bring...
Section 7923. - 7923. Any person, legally qualified to purchase from the State...
Section 7924. - 7924. When any contest arises as provided for in this...
Section 7925. - 7925. When a copy of the final judgment of the...
Section 7926. - 7926. Unless the party contestant commences his action within 60...
Section 7927. - 7927. Whenever the commission receives a plat of a survey...
ARTICLE 7 - Correction of Incorrect Descriptions of Patented Lands
Section 7951. - 7951. When payment has been made in full for any...
Section 7952. - 7952. After the map or plat and field-notes constituting the...
Section 7953. - 7953. After the filing and recording of the map or...
Section 7954. - 7954. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall...
Section 7955. - 7955. If, after the hearing, the court is satisfied that...
Section 7956. - 7956. The cost of making the survey, map or plat...
Section 7957. - 7957. Certified copies of the decree entered in the suit...
Section 7958. - 7958. Any number of land owners whose lands are contiguous...
ARTICLE 8 - Procedure on Improper Sales and Abandonment of Entries
Section 7971. - 7971. If any land was not the property of the...
Section 7972. - 7972. In all cases where money has been paid since...
Section 7973. - 7973. The authority of the commission to issue such certificate...
Section 7974. - 7974. If the land sold was swamp and overflowed, the...
Section 7975. - 7975. Whenever a purchaser of land upon credit desires to...
Section 7976. - 7976. Whenever any person has, in conformity with law, conveyed...
Section 7977. - 7977. Upon the issuance of such patent, the commission shall...
ARTICLE 9 - Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to State Lands
Section 7991. - 7991. The shore and the bed of the ocean or...
Section 7992. - 7992. If any person, under any pretense of any claim...
Section 7993. - 7993. When State lands, upon which the full purchase price...
ARTICLE 10 - State Maps and Surveys
Section 8001. - 8001. As used in this article, “department” means the Department...
Section 8002. - 8002. The state base map shall consist of complementary planimetric,...
Section 8003. - 8003. The state base maps shall have delineated thereon plane...
Section 8011. - 8011. The department shall investigate mapping; shall prepare a complete...
Section 8012. - 8012. The technical methods used in preparation of the state...
Section 8013. - 8013. The department may enter into cooperative agreements with any...
Section 8014. - 8014. The department may enter into contracts with public and...
Section 8014.5. - 8014.5. With the approval of the Director of General Services...
Section 8015. - 8015. The department is authorized to accept grants from the...
Section 8016. - 8016. To enable the coordination of the programs of the...
Section 8017. - 8017. The department shall collect information relative to maps and...
Section 8018. - 8018. The Department of Water Resources may reproduce copies of...
Section 8019. - 8019. The department shall prepare and distribute to public officials,...
Section 8020. - 8020. On the requests of the state departments the Department...
Section 8022. - 8022. No part of any money appropriated or otherwise made...
Section 8023. - 8023. All money received for matching purposes shall be deposited...
Section 8024. - 8024. All money received from the sale of maps or...
Section 8025. - 8025. The Department of Water Resources shall keep a record...
ARTICLE 11 - Exemption From Condemnation
Section 8030. - 8030. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all 16th and...