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Section 8001. - 8001. As used in this article, “department” means the Department...
Section 8002. - 8002. The state base map shall consist of complementary planimetric,...
Section 8003. - 8003. The state base maps shall have delineated thereon plane...
Section 8011. - 8011. The department shall investigate mapping; shall prepare a complete...
Section 8012. - 8012. The technical methods used in preparation of the state...
Section 8013. - 8013. The department may enter into cooperative agreements with any...
Section 8014. - 8014. The department may enter into contracts with public and...
Section 8014.5. - 8014.5. With the approval of the Director of General Services...
Section 8015. - 8015. The department is authorized to accept grants from the...
Section 8016. - 8016. To enable the coordination of the programs of the...
Section 8017. - 8017. The department shall collect information relative to maps and...
Section 8018. - 8018. The Department of Water Resources may reproduce copies of...
Section 8019. - 8019. The department shall prepare and distribute to public officials,...
Section 8020. - 8020. On the requests of the state departments the Department...
Section 8022. - 8022. No part of any money appropriated or otherwise made...
Section 8023. - 8023. All money received for matching purposes shall be deposited...
Section 8024. - 8024. All money received from the sale of maps or...
Section 8025. - 8025. The Department of Water Resources shall keep a record...