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Section 23950. - 23950. Application for a license shall be made to the...
Section 23951. - 23951. The application shall contain the following information: (a) The...
Section 23952. - 23952. The application shall also contain a statement to the...
Section 23953. - 23953. (a) The application shall be signed by the applicant....
Section 23954. - 23954. The application shall be verified under oath and accompanied...
Section 23954.6. - 23954.6. As used in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of...
Section 23955. - 23955. Any applicant for a wine grower’s license shall, at...
Section 23956. - 23956. Any applicant for an offsale general license shall, at...
Section 23957. - 23957. Applications for licenses for the retail sale of alcoholic...
Section 23958. - 23958. Upon receipt of an application for a license or...
Section 23958.1. - 23958.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23958, the department is...
Section 23958.2. - 23958.2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23958, the department is...
Section 23958.4. - 23958.4. (a) For purposes of Section 23958, “undue concentration” means...
Section 23959. - 23959. If an application is denied or withdrawn, the nonrefundable...
Section 23961. - 23961. (a) (1) If, at the conclusion of the period...
Section 23962. - 23962. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (b) of Section 23961,...