Arkansas constitution
Section 17

The State Board of Supervisors shall at once proceed, on receiving such returns from the County Boards, to ascertain therefrom, and state the whole number of votes given for the Constitution, and the whole number given against it; and if a majority of all votes cast in favor of the Constitution, they shall at once make public the fact by publication in two or more of the leading newspapers published in the city of Little Rock, and this Constitution, from that date, shall be in force; and they shall also make out and file, in the office of the Secretary of State an abstract of all the votes cast for the Constitution, and all votes cast against it; and also an abstract of all votes cast for every candidate voted for at the election, and file the same in the office of the Secretary of State, showing the candidate elected. They shall also make out and certify, and lay before each house of the General Assembly a list of the members elected to that house; and shall also make out, certify and deliver to the Speaker of the House of Representatives an abstract of all votes cast at the election, for any and all persons for the office of Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor of State, Attorney General and Commissioner of State Lands, and the said Speaker shall cast up the votes and announce the names of the persons elected to these offices. The Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor of State, Attorney-General and Commissioner of State Lands chosen at said election shall qualify and enter upon the discharge of the duties of their respective offices within fifteen days after the announcement of their election as aforesaid.