Arkansas constitution
Section 16

The polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the forenoon, and shall be kept open until sunset. After the polls are closed the ballots shall be counted by the judges at the place of voting, as soon as the polls are closed, unless prevented by violence or accident; and the results by them certified on the poll-books, and the ballots sealed up. They shall be returned to the County Board of Election Supervisors, who shall proceed to cast up the votes and ascertain and state the number of votes cast for the Constitution and the number cast against the Constitution, and also the number of votes cast for each candidate voted for any office, and shall forthwith forward to the State Board of Supervisors, duly certified by them, one copy of the statement or abstracts of the votes so made out by them, retain one copy in their possession, and file one copy in the office of the County Clerk, where they shall also deposit, for safe-keeping, the ballots, sealed up, and one copy of the poll-books, retaining possession of the other copies.